End Abortion Ohio will host Rally for Equal Protection

On September 13th, End Abortion Ohio will host the Rally for Equal Protection. For far too long, our state legislators have abandoned their duty as “servants of God” (Romans 13:4) to do His will, and instead have carried out their own will. For far too long, our Republican legislators have abandoned the divine commission to establish immediate justice for the weak and the fatherless, and have instead employed their own pragmatic wisdom in pursuit of the “politically-expedient-path” to ending the mass slaughter of human beings.

For far too long, our Democrat legislators have actively sought the shedding of innocent blood. Not only this, but Ohio’s trusted pro-life organizations have failed to work towards the immediate abolition of abortion, and have abandoned the prophetic call for the establishment of justice. Moreover, they also worked to prevent the introduction of the Abolition of Abortion in Ohio Act, which was poised to be introduced this fall, and would have guaranteed equal protection for the preborn under the law.

The Rally for Equal Protection presents an opportunity for Christians around the state to gather to call our state legislators to do their Biblical duty, to establish equal and immediate justice for the preborn without exception and compromise. The Rally presents an opportunity for the voice of courage to be heard in the midst of cowardice and Christ-less compromise. The Rally for Equal Protection will take place on the West Plaza of the Statehouse on September 13th, from 11 am to 1pm,, and will feature speeches from notable figures in the Abolitionist movement such as Bradley Pierce of Foundation to Abolish Abortion, Zachary Conover of End Abortion Now, and Christian activist, Elizabeth Marbach.

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