Greenville Police Department – Police Reports

Domestic Violence

On May 1st 2024 at approximately 11:04 PM police was dispatched to 534 Washington Avenue, in reference to a domestic dispute. BCI only between Tyler Gear and Ashlynn Ferrand. Ashlynn is the mother of Tyler, Ashlynn resides at 534 Washington Avenue. Ashlynn and Tyler were in a verbal argument over Ashlynn locking Tyler out of the house. Ashlynn and Steven Spencer (property owner) both stated that Tyler does not live at the residence. Tyler gathered his items and left for the evening. Three school age children were present.

Burglary (not in progress)

On May 02, 2024, at approximately 1:15 PM police was dispatched to 629 1/2 Washington Avenue referencing a burglary. PO spoke to Britney Coverdale who lives at the residence. Britney stated that someone broke into her residence and that many of her belongings were missing. Britney stated the last time she was at the residence was on 05/01/24 at approximately 5:30 PM and did not get home until 05/02/24 at approximately 1:00 PM when she noticed the damage to her door and realized items were missing. There did not appear to be any damage to the outside door that led to the stairs. The door at the top of the stairs was damaged, as there was woodchips on the floor as well hardware from the door. There appeared to be pry marks on the door. Both doors were the only way into the residence. Britney advised both doors had been locked. Britney stated she believes Emily Aleshire is the one who broke in as Emily used to live at the residence as well. Brittney stated Emily moved out of the residence on approximately April 1-2. Britney stated Emily took everything she needed and no longer had items in the residence. Britney stated Emily messaged her on 05/01/24 at approximately 7:37 PM stating that she was outside her house to drop off a apple watch. Britney stated she told Emily she was not home and would not be home until the 05/02/24. Britney stated Emily told her that she was gonna wait on the porch until she got home. Britney stated she then checked her cameras 5 to 10 minutes later when she noticed the cameras were not on. Britney stated the only way to disconnect the cameras was from inside the residence. Britney stated she could not access any footage because it does not save anywhere and the cameras only work for live footage. Britney stated parts of the house was a mess and that she does not keep it that way. There were clothes thrown all over the floor and on the beds in both bedrooms. There were plastic totes that were moved from the Southwest bedroom and into the hallway. There was a bowl and spoons with a jar of peanut butter in the Southwest bedroom. The items missing were a printer, apple watch, android smart watch, 20 inch TV, soundbar/speakers/subwoofer, computer speakers, lamp, portable washer, and a collapsible red table. Britney stated she only knew serial numbers for some of her items that were missing. PO spoke to the residents that live beneath Britney at 629 Washington Avenue where they stated they were home around 8:00 PM on 05/01/24 and did not hear or see anything and that they have no cameras. PO checked the immediate area for cameras where 224 Washington Avenue and 228 Washington Avenue had cameras, PO spoke to Nick Rademachir who lives at 224 Washington Avenue who stated the camera only observes his porch. Nick stated that his neighbor at 228 Washington Avenue cameras are the same as his. Another PO took photos of the scene as well as processed the scene for any finger prints or DNA. Britney filled out a written statement as well as a victim rights form. Britney stated she would get back to PO if she was able to find the receipts as she could not remember how much she paid for the items as well as the serial numbers for the other items that she did not currently have. This case needs further investigation.

Domestic Violence

On May 4, 2024 at approximately 7:36 PM police was dispatched to 335 East Main Street in reference to an instance of domestic violence. PO spoke with complainant/involved person Stephanie Green who stated she had been released today after being incarcerated in the Mercer County Jail. Upon attempting to enter her residence her husband/involved person; David Green refused to let her enter the residence at which point she contacted the police. Through investigation it was found that Stephanie and David are still legally married as well neither of them having been evicted from the residence. Both parties stated argument had been verbal and nobody had been injured as a result. Both parties were advised that Stephanie was legally allowed inside the residence. Both parties denied leaving the residence for the evening. BCI only/ No school age children present.

Domestic Violence

On may 5th 2024 at approximately 4:54 PM police was dispatched to 1199 Russ Road #El0; Hunter Oak apartments, in reference to a domestic dispute. BCI only between Sierra and Zachary Mirles. Sierra and Zachary reside together at 1199 Russ Road #El0; Hunter Oak apartments. They have two children together; a 5 year old and 3 year old. Zachary left prior to officer arrival, Sierra stated that her and Zachary were in a verbal argument about Zachary accusing Sierra of cheating. Sierra stated that she doesn’t know where Zachary went or if he will return tonight. This incident occurred around 3:00 PM. Lily Lindsey was a witness and stated that it was a verbal argument between Sierra and Zachary. One school age child was present. Sierra will be staying at the residence with her children.

Domestic Violence

On May 5, 2024 at approximately 4:46 PM police was dispatched to 335 East Main Street in reference to an instance of domestic violence. PO spoke with complainant/witness; Stephanie Testut who stated that involved person; Stephanie Green wouldn’t let her and involved person; David Green leave the residence. Stephanie Green and David are married and share children together. Upon entering the residence PO observed Stephanie Green standing near David in the kitchen. Stephanie was visibly upset and stating that she wanted a hug from David but he wouldn’t give her one. David told PO that during the incident while he was attempting to leave the residence Stephanie Green told him that she would kill herself if he left. David also stated that Stephanie Green told him that if he didn’t give her a hug she was going to kill herself as well. Stephanie Testut stated that she had been present for the incident and Stephanie Green had stated “I’ll just kill myself then” when David refused to give her a hug. Stephanie Testut also stated Stephanie Green had made several more suicidal threats after making the comment. David and Stephanie completed witness statements that will be attached to this report. Greenville Rescue was requested to the scene for a mental health evaluation. Stephanie Green refused to be transported to Wayne ER by Greenville rescue after numerous attempts. When backup arrived Stephanie Green was placed into handcuffs that were gap checked and double locked before being placed in the back of a cruiser. Stephanie Green was checked for weapons and contraband before being placed in the back of the cruiser with none being located. Stephanie Green was transported to Wayne ER for a mental health evaluation. An Application for Emergency Admission was completed which will be attached to this report. All parties stated the incident had been verbal only with no injuries occurring as a result. BCI only/ No school age children present.

Wanted Person

On May 6, 2024 at approximately 3:24 PM, officers responded to 117 Hiddeson Avenue to serve a Felony Warrant for Joseph Martin. Prior to officers arrival, a PO had prior knowledge that Joseph had a Felony Warrant through the Darke County Sheriff’s Office on a Probation Violation on the original charge of property crimes, and a Felony Warrant out of Adult Parole on the original charge of Burglary. Upon the polices arrival, a PO observed a gray Impala in front of the house known to be driven by Joseph. Officers attempted to make contact at the front door but were unsuccessful. PO then made contact with the homeowner, Steven Jeffers over the phone. Steven responded to the residence and allowed officers permission to search the house. Joseph was located in a bedroom with Jade Jeffers. Joseph was ordered to the ground where he was placed under arrest into handcuffs. Dispatch confirmed Joseph’s warrants. A PO transported Joseph to the Darke County Jail where he was released to Jail staff.


On May 7, 2024 at approximately 5:56 AM, police, along with Greenville Township Rescue, were dispatched to 76 Lakewood Drive, Greenville, Ohio (Olwine’ s Mobile Home Park), in reference to a possible illegal drug overdose. PO spoke to the victim, Jacob Nickell, who self-reported he is suffering from the effects of inhaling cocaine, which included having an elevated heart rate, shaking and restlessness. According to Nickell, on May 6, 2024 at 11PM, Nickell ended his work shift at Fram in Greenville, Ohio and returned to his residence at 76 Lakewood Drive, where Nickell lives alone. On May 6, 2024 at approximately 11:30 PM, Nickell began snorting cocaine and continued to snort cocaine at one hour intervals until Nickell self-reported he may have overdosed on cocaine. Nickell indicated he inhaled a total of one-half of one gram of cocaine throughout the night. While snorting cocaine, Nickell disclosed he was also smoking marijuana, which he had purchased from a dispensary. Nickell voluntarily went to Wayne Health Care via Greenville Township Rescue for additional medical intervention. At Wayne Health Care, Nickell advised the last time he abused cocaine was approximately six years ago. Even though criminal charges will not be sought in this case, PO did serve Nickell a ‘Notice and Instructions Regarding Potential Immunity’ form from the Darke County Prosecutor’s Office and warned Nickell that he may be criminally charged if he had any further involvement with illegal drugs of abuse.

Dog Bite

On May 7th, 2024 at approximately 4:29 PM police was dispatched to 324 Morrow Street in reference to a dog bite. PO made contact with Stacy Dirksen. Stacy stated she was bitten by her neighbor’s dog yesterday afternoon. Stacy advised she was in her back yard when she saw the dog chasing a ground hog. Stacy advised the ground hog hid underneath a trailer that Stacy had parked in her back yard. Stacy advised her neighbor, Angela Blackson, was chasing the dog and was yelling “The Dog bites”. Stacy advised she attempted to help retrieve the dog after it jumped the fence into her yard and the dog bit her on her right hand. Stacy does not remember how the dog was removed from the property. Stacy advised Angela provided her name and phone number. Stacy has severe lacerations on her right hand and went to Wayne Hospital for treatment before she was transferred to Kettering Health South. Stacy showed PO pictures of the lacerations, PO could see that the lacerations were deep enough to expose tendons in her hand. Stacy will be sending the photographs of her injuries to be put into the records of this report. Stacy has a cast on her right hand and has limited use of her fingers. Stacy filled out a victims rights form and a written statement. Stacy filled out an authorization form for the Greenville Police Department to request medical records from Wayne Healthcare and Kettering Healthcare. After speaking to Stacy, PO went to Angela’s residence and made contact with her. PO asked Angela what had happened. Angela advised her dog, Saleen, had jumped the fence in her backyard and began chasing a ground hog towards Stacy’s residence at approximately 6:00 PM. Angela advised she chased after the dog and saw Stacy attempting to stop the dog. Angela advised she tried to warn Stacy the dog does bite. Angela advised the dog bit Stacy. Angela retrieved her dog and placed it back in her residence. Angela advised the dog is hers and that the dog is registered to her. Angela was issued a citation for dogs at large and was advised of her court date.

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