Greenville Police Department – Police Reports


On September 7th, 2024, at approximately 3:52 AM police was dispatched to the area of 805 Sater Street in reference to a domestic dispute. Verbal argument between John Carter and Amanda Carter who are married and reside together. Amanda and John were in a vehicle coming back from Richmond, IN when John began to yell at her. Amanda stated no threats were made and nothing became physical between the two. Amanda stated she exited the vehicle because of John’s past. Amanda was able to contact her sister and stay with her for the time being. No school age children were present. BCI only.


On September 8th, 2024, at approximately 4:12 AM police was dispatched to 1029 Wayne Ave in reference to a verbal domestic dispute. Domestic dispute between Jesse Balogh and Alicia Enis. The Daughter called and stated stepfather (Jesse) was screaming at her mother. Upon arrival officers spoke with the two subjects who stated nothing became physical between the two. Alicia did state that Jesse did make a threat but didn’t want charges against him and didn’t give specifics on what the threat was, she just wanted Jesse to leave. Officers attempted to make contact with Jesse’s mother to pick him up but was unable to do so; Jesse was able to stay in a detached garage behind the house for the night. One school aged child present. BCI only.

Welfare Check

On September 8, 2024, at approximately 12:36 PM police was dispatched to 5436 State Route 49; Stardust Motel in reference to a welfare check. PO spoke with witness; Kyle May who stated he had witnessed an instance of child abuse occur approximately 1 day prior. Kyle stated that he witnessed involved person/mother; Julia Waltner use her baby to strike involved person/father; Justin Kiefer in the stomach during an argument. When Kyle was asked for further details, he stated during the argument Julia “pushed the baby into his stomach” referring to Justin. As Kyle was speaking he demonstrated what he observed by moving his arms similar to how someone would use an object as a battering ram. When asked why he had not contacted the Police during or after the incident and he stated there was not a reason. Kyle also stated he had witnessed Justin ”tackle” Julia into the bed during a separate argument that had occurred the day prior. When Kyle was asked why he had not reported the incident prior to now he again did not have a reason. During the conversation with Kyle, he stated he was on complainant/ Randy Hofacker’s side also stating “he’s good people” referring to Randy. During the investigation PO learned that Randy had an interaction the previous day with Julia and had requested a welfare check on her baby. Randy believed he had been retaliated against by Justin because of the welfare check he requested. Randy offered a reward to anyone who would be a witness against Justin for him which is why Kyle decided to speak with PO about the prior events. Kyle confirmed that he had been offered a reward if he became a witness for Randy. PO spoke with Julia and Justin separately and they both denied any physical altercation having occurred the day prior as well as both denying their baby being involved in the described incident. Julia agreed to allow PO to check on their baby. Upon checking their baby, PO did not observe any abrasions, contusions, or any other obvious physical injuries. PO also checked the baby’s arms, hands, legs, and feet which all appeared normal. The baby did not appear to be in any discomfort as PO moved him around and also appeared to be acting/behaving normally. The baby was also actively drinking a bottle and did not appear to be having any difficulties while doing so. Justin and Julia were advised to ensure that the baby was kept warm due to his hands and feet being slightly cool to the touch. They stated he was taken out of the blanket while feeding and would be wrapped back up once he had finished. Theresa Maples from children services was contacted and advised of the incident. Due to the unreliability of the witness and no evidence of the abuse there are no charges pending at this time.

Wanted Person

On September 9th, 2024, at approximately 7:31 PM police went to 1013 Harrison Avenue to make contact with Jonathan Smith. Jonathan has a warrant for failing to appear on a probation revocation hearing through the Greenville Police Department. PO made contact with Jonathan and placed him in handcuffs. Dispatch confirmed Jonathan’s warrant through LEADS/NCIC. Jonathan was transported the Darke County Jail and was released to jail staff, with no bond. PO checked the back seat of my cruiser before and after the transport and located nothing.

CPO Violation

On September 11th, 2024 at approximately 8:58 PM police was dispatched to 209 Sweitzer Street in reference to a CPO violation. Upon arrival I made contact with Denah Angles. Denah stated she has an active domestic violence CPO against her ex-husband, Jake Angles. Denah stated Jake drove his vehicle by her house several times and honked his horn on September 9th, 2024 in his silver Ford Explorer. Denah stated Jake drove past her house and honked his horn the first time at 6:07 AM and she recorded the incident on her cell phone. Denah stated Jake drove past her house and honked his horn at 12:33 PM, 12:59 PM, and 5:39 PM. Denah stated her ring doorbell camera recorded all three of those incidents as well. Denah stated she has observed Jake driving past her house and honking his horn 14 times since September 9th, 2024. Denah stated she was sitting inside of her vehicle in front of her residence today at 8:45 PM and observed Jake drive by again and honk his horn. Denah stated she took a photograph of this incident using her cell phone. Denah stated she was sure Jake was the operator of the vehicle. PO observed the photographs and video recording and PO could not identify who was operating the vehicle. Jake does have a 2021 Ford Explorer registered to his name. Denah filled out a statement form and victim’s rights form. Denah sent the photographs and video recordings to PO’s email address. The photographs and video will be attached to this report. After speaking to Denah, PO observed the CPO she has against Jake and it is in effect from August 15th, 2024 to August 15th, 2028. The CPO states on page three section five that Jake is to stay at least 500 feet away from Denah or anywhere Denah may be found. Dispatch checked Jake’s CCH through LEADS/NCIC and advised he does not have any prior convictions for violating a CPO. Jake was arrested for violating this CPO on August 19th, 2024 and plead guilty in Darke County Municipal Court to the charges on August 20th, 2024. Jake’s sentencing for that case is on September 23rd, 2024. PO attempted to make contact with Jake by phone and was unable to do so due to his phone number being changed. PO spoke with Denah by phone and she stated Jake is possibly living at 407 West Fourth Street. PO went to 407 West Fourth Street and was unable to make contact with anyone there. PO did not see Jake’s vehicle at the residence. This case will be sent to the prosecutor’s office for review.

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