Greenville Police Department – Police Reports


On September 2, 2024, police responded to 1248 Northmoore Drive in reference to an assault that occurred at 235 East Fifth Street in the City of Greenville. PO made contact with the complainant, Alexis Kincaid. Alexis was visibly upset and holding two ice packs around her right hand. Alexis advised PO that approximately twenty minutes prior, she was involved in a physical altercation at her residence on East Fifth Street with her on-again off-again boyfriend, Brandon Emrick. Alexis stated that while she was asleep, Brandon began drinking heavily in the home. Alexis stated when she woke up, Brandon had sent her a series of hostile text messages that upset her. Alexis stated at this time, the two were involved in a verbal argument in reference to Brandon’s drinking and Alexis wanting to leave for the night. Alexis stated that as she was holding her car keys in her right hand, Brandon grabbed onto them and pulled them towards himself. Alexis stated that her injured middle finger became stuck around one of the keys as Brandon pulled them away. Alexis had a small laceration to this finger, and it was visibly red and swollen. Alexis stated that Brandon told her she wasn’t going anywhere and also took her two cell phones. Alexis stated Brandon refused to give her the keys or phones. Alexis stated she believes she experienced a seizure at this time, and believes she fell to the ground. Alexis stated Brandon grabbed onto her as she was seizing on the floor and attempted to hold her steady until it was over. Alexis does not remember if she lost consciousness during this seizure. Alexis stated after the seizure was over, the argument continued, and she left the residence on foot. She advised that as she walked away Brandon began yelling that he was going to lock the doors. Alexis advised that while on foot, and enroute to a friend’s house, her brother Noah Houdeshell saw her walking. Alexis stated she got into his vehicle and advised him of the situation. Noah then transported Alexis to their mother’s house on Northmoore. Due to Alexis’s minor injury and possible loss of consciousness, Greenville Rescue was requested to the scene. Alexis was then transported to Wayne Hospital by Rescue for a further evaluation. While at the hospital, Alexis advised she did not want charges at this time for Brandon. Alexis stated Brandon has not established residency with her and only visits a few nights a week. Alexis stated that she wants Brandon to leave the residence and will call the police department tomorrow for a keep the peace. Police attempted to make contact with Brandon but were unsuccessful. Photos were taken of Alexis’s hand that will be attached to this report. Alexis was left statement forms, as well as a victim right’ s forms to be filled out if she decides to press charges. There will be nothing further at this time.

Theft (not in progress)

On September 09, 2024, at approximately 11:14 AM police responded to 1525 Wagner Avenue (Party Mart) in reference to a theft that had occurred. Officers spoke to Jacqueline Julian, ( who goes by Nikki) and is an employee at the Party Mart. Nikki stated a black male subject entered the store and grabbed a carton of Newport cigarettes and fled the store where he got into a red/maroon vehicle and left the property without paying. Nikki showed officers the camera footage of a black male wearing a black shirt with what appeared to be a flannel over the shirt, dark pants as well as sunglasses and a hat later, identified as Joshua Condon. Nikki advised herself and her manager Jennifer Rammel both observed Joshua, walk into the store and asked Nikki if she had Newport Menthol Short cigarettes. Nikki stated she grabbed the carton of cigarettes and placed them on the counter to ring the item up. Jennifer and Nikki stated they observed cash in Joshua’s wallet where he was acting like he was going to pull the cash out of his wallet, when he suddenly grabbed the carton of cigarettes and left the store without paying. Nikki and Jennifer stated they both ran out of the store after him where they observed Joshua get into a red/maroon SUV where they were able to get the license plate number, which was JTK6610. Officers had dispatch check the license plate through LEADS/NCIC which returned to a red 2015 Ford Edge and was owned by a Teresa Condon with an address of 1234 Hubert Drive, Versailles, Ohio. A detective stated he was in the area and proceeded to stop at the listed address in Versailles to see if he could contact the owner of the vehicle. Shortly after the Detective contacted the owner, it was determined Joshua was the one driving the vehicle. The Detective retrieved the carton of cigarettes. PO arrived at 1234 Hubert Drive at approximately 12:53 PM to serve a citation for theft to Joshua. Upon speaking with Joshua, PO asked him why he took the carton of cigarettes if he had the money to pay. Joshua stated it was free until you guys caught me. The Detective handed PO the carton of cigarettes that had been opened and one pack was missing. PO then asked Joshua if he had the other pack that was missing, where he asked if I really needed it. PO said yes and PO was able to retrieve the missing pack. PO took pictures of the carton of cigarettes and returned the property back to Party Mart. Nikki then gave PO a flash drive that contained the video footage from this incident. The flash drive was placed into property at the Greenville Police Department. Nikki and Jennifer both filled out written statements as well as the victim rights form. The pictures of the property will be added to this report as well as the receipt that was voided due to no payment. Joshua was served a copy of his citation and advised of his court date-time.

Burglary (not in progress)

On September 16, 2024 at approximately 10:19 AM police was dispatched to 1240 Russ Road; Sloopy’s in reference to an instance of attempted breaking and entering. PO spoke with witness/employee; Zachery Daniels and Chad Feirstine who stated when they arrived at work this morning they observed damage to an exterior door where someone had attempted to break into the business. Upon checking the exterior of the building PO observed a red door located on the South side of the building with the glass broken out of its window. Upon further examination of the door it appeared the deadbolt of the door had attempted to be cut through to gain access to the building. There was broken glass located on the ground both inside and outside of the building. Photographs were taken of the exterior of the building and the damaged door which will be attached to this report. Zachery and Chad completed witness statements that will be attached to this report. A short time later owner/victim; Michelle Weaver arrived on the scene and allowed PO to view the video surveillance footage facing the damaged door. While watching the footage PO observed what appeared to be a short/medium height male with a small/average build. He was wearing a light colored hooded sweatshirt with the hood up, light colored pants, black shoes, hat, mask, glasses, gloves, and was carrying a large backpack. The suspect can be seen entering the enclosed fenced in patio where the damaged door is located within through a gate from the West at approximately 5:33 AM. After entering the suspect can be seen going directly to the damaged door. The suspect can be observed walking crouched down throughout the patio and repeatedly returning to the damaged door. At approximately 6:00 AM the suspect can be seen to grab a large outdoor umbrella from where it was stored and place it near the damaged door in an attempt to conceal himself better from the camera. A short time later the suspect can be seen using an unknown tool to cut through the deadbolt with sparks coming from where he is located. The suspect can be seen continuing to move throughout the patio and returning to the damaged door repeatedly. On several occasions, sparks can be seen coming from his location by the door. After his failed attempts to gain access to the building through the damaged door the suspect can be seen leaving through the same gate he entered through at approximately 6:14 hours. Michelle completed a witness statement and victim rights form that will be attached to this report. Michelle reviewed all of the cameras surrounding the business and copied the captured footage of the suspect onto a USB which was placed into property as evidence. The businesses in proximity to Sloopy’s were checked for video footage with several businesses not having captured any video footage of the incident. PO will update this report if any video footage of the incident from the surrounding businesses become available. The exterior of the building was checked for additional avenues where the suspect attempted to gain entry into the building with no locations being evident.


On 09/18/24 at approximately 7:15 PM, PO was dispatched to the area of E. Main St. and Wagner Ave. on a possible motor vehicle crash. While PO was enroute to the area, he was advised that one of the vehicles had pulled into the Walgreens’ parking lot and that the vehicle had its tire punctured by another subject who fled eastbound on E. Main St. PO spoke with Larry Snider. Snider was the owner of the involved 2019 Honda CRV. Snider stated he was behind a black Harley Davidson Sportster motorcycle southbound on Wagner Ave. north of Rhoades Ave. The traffic light turned red causing Snider to abruptly stop which made the motorcycle rider start yelling at Snider.   As they proceeded southbound to the red light on Wagner Ave. at E. Main St. by Walgreens, Snider stated the rider continued to yell at him. The motorcycle rider then took his motorcycle and pulled it backwards ramming Snider’s front bumper. Snider stated he then accelerated his vehicle forward ramming the back of the motorcycle causing it to fall over. At that point, the motorcycle rider pulled out a large knife and caused a 17″ horizontal scratch on the front, right quarter panel of Snider’s vehicle. The rider then walked around to the driver’s side of Snider’s vehicle and punctured the front, left tire causing it to go flat. The rider then picked up his bike and fled eastbound on E. Main St. Snider stated the plates on the bike were blue and white and appeared to be out-of-state plates. The rider was average height and weight with longer dark curly hair and was wearing a black shirt. PO took photographs of the damage which will be added to this report. Snider was given a victim’s rights form. PO will attempt to look at video surveillance from CVS. PO did not locate any other cameras in the area leading up to Rhoades Ave.


On September 20, 2024, at approximately 12:46 AM police was dispatched to 431 Martin Street in reference to a report of a physical domestic dispute between the subjects at the residence. PO located the victim, now known to him as Elizabeth Knapp, standing in the front yard with another officer speaking with her. He advised the suspect, now known to PO as Chase Pool, left on foot traveling southbound on Riffle Avenue. The PO left the area to locate Chase, and PO spoke to Elizabeth about the incident. PO observed Elizabeth being emotional causing her to be hard to understand. Greenville Township Rescue Squad were contacted and responded to the scene to check on any injuries she might have. While squad was tending to Elizabeth’s injuries PO spoke with Paige Pitman, who was at 431 Martin Street during the time of the offense. Paige stated that Chase arrived home to 431 Martin Street at approximately 11 PM. Chase wanted to go buy marijuana. Chase and Elizabeth got into a verbal argument over money. The argument became heated with Chase calling Elizabeth names and shoving her. Paige and Chase left the house in order to buy marijuana but came back less than an hour later after they were unsuccessful. When they returned Chase and Elizabeth continued arguing with both of them going upstairs to their bedroom and Paige staying downstairs. Shortly after Paige heard yelling and screaming coming from their bedroom and went upstairs to see what the problem was. When she got upstairs Paige could see Chase choking Elizabeth. Chase stopped choking her and left the residence. A PO advised he located Chase a few blocks away and transported him back to the area. When he arrived, PO read him his Miranda Warning to which he acknowledged he understood his rights. Chase told PO he got into a physical altercation with Elizabeth with shoving involved. Chase couldn’t remember everything that happened but did advise Elizabeth had scratched him. PO could see approximately 3 scratch marks on Chase’s right forearm. Chase stated he did not want photographs taken of his injuries and did not want to fill out a statement. PO spoke with Elizabeth further about the incident after PO spoke with Chase. Elizabeth confirmed they were fighting about money and Chase wanting to buy marijuana. Chase began calling her names, shoving her around her bedroom, shoving her onto the ground, throwing water at her face, and blocking her ability to leave the room she was in. Elizabeth said Chase was choking her with his hands, but it did not impede her ability to breathe or block her airway. Elizabeth claimed the choking hurt her causing her physical harm. Chase and Elizabeth have been living together as boyfriend/girlfriend for approximately one and a half years at 431 Martin Street with 3 kids in common. Chase was found to have no prior convictions of domestic violence. Chase was arrested by police and transported to the Darke County Jail where he was incarcerated with no bond. A PO took photos of Elizabeth and her injuries.

Wanted Person

On September 20th, 2024, at approximately 2:47 AM police apprehended a known wanted person at the Greenville City North Park. While on duty during the above date and time, PO was patrolling the Greenville City North Park located behind Kroger when PO observed a vehicle parked in the back with the lights off. As PO got closer,PO was able to identify a Dodge Challenger bearing Ohio registration JWH 7201. PO ran the plate and discovered it had returned to Michael L. Fischer JR. PO also discovered that the registered owner had an active warrant. PO approached the vehicle and made contact with the driver, who was discovered to be the registered owner of the vehicle. Once Michael handed PO his driver’s license, dispatch confirmed with Darke County Dispatch that he had a warrant through the Darke County Sheriff’s Office for probation violation, with the original charge of unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance and illegal manufacture or processing of explosives F3, receiving stolen property F4, and possession of marijuana. Once confirmed, PO told Michael he had a warrant and to step out of the vehicle to be placed under arrest. PO placed Michael in handcuffs that were gap checked and doubled locked. Michael was placed in the back of the cruiser and transported to the Darke County Jail where he was released to jail staff with no bond.

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