New Beginnings

Written by Chris Mortensen, Greenville Middle School, Principal 

I have always enjoyed the start of a new school year.  It is something about the aspect of fresh starts and new adventures.  Each year holds its own mysteries that can be exciting and sometimes even a little nerve- racking depending on all that comes with it.  As I talk with students at the beginning of each year, they are excited about seeing their friends that they have missed over the summer, hopeful for new successes as we begin the new year and interested in who their teachers will be and what things they will be able to participate in.  They have so much optimism and a genuine desire to find a path that will be successful for them.  

This year saw many changes in the setup of the way the buildings ran and offerings to the students at the Middle School.  These changes have brought a number of positives to the various portions of the district buildings, but bring along with it struggles as the team members seek out understanding of all of the facets of the new roles that they are playing.   Once again, it is exciting and there is hope for the change but also…a little nerve-racking wading through the transitions.  The one thing that I have always found made the biggest difference in the success of a school year is the involvement of the students and the willingness of the staff to help bring everything together into focus.  Without them there is no success.  They have to be willing to be on board and communicate to bring it all together.  

At the beginning of the year, we had students come to the gym for a discussion about the theme for the year and how they could, as students and staff, come along side us and make this a great year and a great place to be.  The theme for the year was the character trait RESPECT.   The building had decided to make this year’s theme into an anagram to help connect the various letters of respect with how the students and staff could be active participants in the success of the school.  RESPECT = The R = Responsibility, E = Enthusiasm, S = Self-Discipline, P = Perspective, E = Expectations, C = Choice, T = Team Work.  The students really seemed to take to this.  They made comments when they would see me in the cafeteria during lunch, outside as they loaded the bus and around the buildings in the halls about how they were doing their part to make sure that they were showing RESPECT.  They shared their own thoughts on how they would be responsible, where they had been enthusiastic, how they demonstrated self-discipline (not always easy for a middle schooler), seeing the perspectives of others, holding high expectations for themselves for a successful school year, making choices to be positive and respectful, and getting on board with the aspect that Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM work).  I was so impressed with these students and their thoughtfulness to what was discussed and I knew that they were going to help make this a great year.  

As we got into the year it has been evident that students are working to meet the challenges placed before them.  The students have been positive and excited for the opportunity to be involved.  I have had many students stating that they love their teachers and requesting how they can be a part of the school programs that are offered.  This is exciting to see the positive energy that they are bringing into the building.   We have had many connections for them already this school year in just the first month with many of these supported or even led by our students.  The Student Leader group led by Mr. Curtis and Mrs. Kerns has started off by planning dances, helping with school/community programs and organizing fund raisers to help students and families in need.  They have made connections with the school and community programs to get ideas and offer support in all areas of need.  The leaders worked with the nurses and community organizations to promote clothing drives for students as we head into the fall.   They have set up programs to provide basic supplies to our students such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, and Q-tips to name a few.  They have set these up so that they can allow students to obtain the supplies anonymously.  The real lift for me with this group is that they have taken initiative to reach out to organizations and connect with the community in these efforts.   

These same Student Leaders have supported our work for the 9/11 ceremony held each year by preparing the school grounds and organizing the students who came out to participate with our service organizations.  They placed hundreds of American flags on the property, setup and put away the equipment, chairs and made food items to be presented to the service men and women who attended.  They worked with our students in the MD units to allow them to be active participants in delivering the gifts and having them recognized in shaking the service personnel’s hands as a show of RESPECT for all they have done.  Students helped setup an organized and orderly entrance for our students during the assembly program.  Throughout all of the work that they completed, they were always asking what can we do and how can we make this the best assembly.  Any need sent to the advisors and Student Leaders was immediately met with, “We will make it happen.” and “How can we help, Mr. Mortensen?”  A true servants’ heart with RESPECT for their community and peers being shown each day from this group and their advisors.   

This is just a small picture of what is truly happening with our students in the area of RESPECT for their school and community as there has been so much more.   We have seen students who have struggled in the past with this, giving solid effort to correct these patterns for themselves.  This might be in how they speak to staff when they are struggling, coming forward when they have an issue rather than being confrontational with others and being willing to share when they see something that is wrong in order to get it corrected.   They, as a whole, are becoming solid citizens for what we are always hoping is a brighter future for them.  

Now, don’t get me wrong, we have students who struggle and need to work through issues and find answers when they do not have these answers themselves.  However, I would say, in particular with these groups of students at the 5th through 8th grade level, that they are making strong efforts to be on board with RESPECT as our theme and meeting the weekly challenges that accompany this charge for them.   The staff is also trying to help them identify this path and see how they can contribute to not only their success but the successes of others through their efforts.   In ending, I would add that, it definitely speaks to students bringing excitement and hope to what can be accomplished as we begin this new year together.  They are a great group of students and you should be proud of how they are growing up to show RESPECT in all that they due to be the best for themselves and their community.  

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