On December 20, 2024, at approximately 7:23 PM police responded to the 300 block of Devor Street in reference to a vandalism to a vehicle. PO made contact with Chasity Cain, who is the registered owner of the damaged vehicle. Upon inspecting the vehicle, PO located the windshield of Chasity’s orange 2016 Chevy to be shattered. It appeared that an unknown subject had thrown a large object on the driver side of the windshield. Chasity stated she had parked the vehicle on the north side of Devor Street in front of 316. Chasity stated she parked the vehicle approximately around 4PM when she came to meet her friend, Christopher Johnson. Chasity stated that after parking the vehicle, she and Christopher went to Troy in a different vehicle. Chasity stated that upon their arrival back at his house approximately around 6:30PM, they located her windshield to be smashed. When questioned why Chasity waited approximately and hour before calling the police department, Chasity stated that she then had to take one of her daughters to a friend’s house in the area and run other errands in with the vehicle. PO attempted to speak with neighbors in the 300 block to locate camera footage of this incident. Upon speaking with residents, no one in the immediate area has any cameras that would have captured this incident. PO also attempted to locate the object that may have been thrown at Chasity’s vehicle but was unsuccessful. At the time of this incident, Chasity was unable to provide PO a copy of her insurance information for this report. Chasity stated that she would attempt to bring it to the police department the next day. After speaking with Chasity on multiple different phone calls on multiple different days, Chasity has still not provided PO with any insurance information, a written statement or a victim’s rights form in reference to this incident. Due to Chasity being overall uncooperative in reference to this damage, there will be nothing further for this report unless the listed documents are provided.
Theft (not in progress)
On November 29th, 2024, at approximately 5:20 PM police was dispatched to 916 Washington Avenue in reference to a theft of a trailer. Travis Cresap, the complainant, stated his black Haulmark 2004 cargo trailer was stolen. Travis stated the trailer was parked behind his house and he last saw it on Tuesday November 27th. Travis stated he went to work Wednesday morning and noticed the trailer was gone. Travis stated he allows friends to use the trailer often and checked with them prior to reporting it stolen. Travis stated he spoke with his neighbors about the trailer and asked them if they noticed any strange vehicle’s or people in the area. Travis stated his neighbor saw an older maroon Chevrolet Silverado hook the trailer up and take it. The neighbor stated the vehicle was operated by a male with long blond hair and a long beard. The male appeared to be in his late fifties. The neighbor stated there was a female in the passenger seat that has blond hair. The female appears to be in her late forties. The male and female were both wearing sunglasses. The neighbor stated he had never seen the vehicle and thought it was suspicious so he took photographs. The neighbor stated this occurred on Tuesday at approximately 3:35 PM. Travis stated he does not know the vehicle or the subjects that were operating it. Travis filled out a statement form and victim’s rights form. Travis sent me the photographs by email to be added to this report. The trailer was entered LEADS/NCIC as stolen.
CPO Violation
On January 3rd, 2025, at approximately 3:53 PM police was dispatched to 525 Harrison Avenue in reference to a CPO Violation. PO made contact with Jan Clay. Jan stated he has an active Domestic Violence CPO against his wife, Brandy Clay. Jan stated Brandy has been sending him text message on Facebook messenger. Dispatch advised Brandy was served with the CPO on December 30th, 2024, at approximately 1:45 PM. Jan showed me messages that were allegedly sent by Brandy at 8:20 PM and it was a Smile Emoji. Jan then sent Brandy a text message in response on Tuesday December 31st, 2024, at 1:31 AM that stated “I’m sure you can and will use this against me but I’m sorry for how things are”. PO saw that message had been responded to but the sender unsent it. PO saw text messages between Jan and allegedly Brandy about several things such as money and Brandy asking if she could come back to Jan’s residence. The rest of the messages were stamped with the time of day and day of the week but were not date stamped. Jan took screenshots of the text messages and sent them to PO’s email. Jan showed PO a copy of the CPO and on page three and article six the CPO states that Brandy can not initiate or have any contact with Jan. The CPO is in effect from 12/27/2024 to 12/27/2025. Jan advised Brandy has been coming on to his property. PO asked Jan how he knows and he stated his stepson saw Brandy come to his house. Jan did not want PO to speak with his stepson about it. Jan stated he saw Brandy’s boyfriend’s car was sitting front of his house today around 2:30 PM but could not see if Brandy was in the car or not. After speaking to Jan, PO made contact with Brandy over the phone. Brandy stated she is not in Greenville and would try to find transportation to the Greenville Police Department to speak with PO. Further investigation is needed to confirm that Brandy sent the text messages and will be done when PO can speak with her. PO attempted to call Brandy’s phone back and could not make contact with her due to the number being a text now number. PO will continue to attempt to make contact with her.
Theft (not in progress)
On January 3, 2025 at approximately 5:17 PM, police was dispatched to 222 Markwith Avenue in reference to a theft not in progress. PO made contact with the complainant/victim, Benjamin Baker. Benjamin stated he noticed some metal he was working on was missing. Benjamin advised the metal was outside of his garage, but was leaning against the garage. Upon checking his cameras, Benjamin noticed a red Chevrolet SUV, park in the alley behind his residence and take the metal from his property. Benjamin stated the metal was away from the alley and was leaned against his garage, approximately 20 feet from the alley. Benjamin showed PO the video from his residence, which showed, a white male in a yellow sweatshirt exit the described vehicle and place the metal in a trailer then leave. Benjamin was advised to send the video footage to PO’s email to be attached to this report. Benjamin completed a statement form and a victim rights form and returned them to PO. Benjamin called to speak with me shortly after leaving the residence. Benjamin stated he showed the video to his wife, who was able to identify the subject in the video as Kaleb Bowman. At approximately 10:15 PM PO spoke with Benjamin over the phone. Benjamin stated he found the described Chevrolet parked in front of 418 Warren Street. Upon PO’s arrival, Benjamin advised he was informed by his wife that the stolen metal was taken to 1 Shot Recycling, 6377 Hahn Road, Bradford Ohio. Benjamin was able to provide pictures of the Chevrolet as well as Kaleb at 1 Shot Recycling with the metal. Benjamin was advised to email those pictures as well to be attached to this report. PO spoke with Kaleb at this time. Kaleb stated he was looking for scrap metal and noticed the metal at Benjamin’s residence. Kaleb advised the metal was next to other trash so he assumed the metal was free to be picked up. Kaleb completed a statement form at this time. Kaleb was issued a citation for theft and was advised of his court date.
On January 3, 2025, at approximately 5:49 PM, police responded to 1301 Wagner Avenue; McDonald’s North, in reference to the business receiving a counterfeit $100 bill. PO made contact with the on-duty manager, Angel. Angel stated that at approximately 5:30PM, a male subject placed an order in their drive through. Upon getting to the first window to pay for his meal, the subject gave another employee a fake $100 bill while she was at the cash register. Angel stated she did not realize this bill was fake and gave the subject back change for his order. After receiving his meal at the second window, the subject left the scene. Attached to this report is the subject’s receipt that shows he ordered, “2 Medium Caramel Frappes and 1 Holiday Pie” totaling $10. 87. The subject paid with the fake $100 bill and received $89.13 as change. After the subject left the drive through, that employee reviewed the bill and found it to say “For Motion Picture Purposes. This Note Is Not Legal Tender. ” Angel stated after marking the fake bill with a counterfeit pen, staff confirmed the bill was fake. Staff then called the police department in reference to this issue. Angel stated that to obtain camera footage from the drive-thru window, of this incident to identify the suspect, her general manager would have to be notified. Angel stated that upon her general manager being notified, it would be their decision to contact McDonald’s corporate. Angel was given PO’s business card so video footage could be sent to the police’s records department to be attached to this case, if obtained. Angel also printed out a receipt of the suspect’s order that will be attached to this report. This bill was seized and placed into property. At this time there are no suspects. Until McDonald’s corporation makes contact with the police department in reference to this incident, there will be nothing further at this time.