Fort GreeneVille Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution would like to thank the following for their recent Wreaths Across America donations during the wreath matching campaign: Greenville American Legion Post 140, Greenville Kiwanis, Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Treaty City Industries, Greenville VFW Post 7262, Park National Bank, Darke County Republican Party, Eileen McKnight, RJ and Nita Allread, Richard and Katie Grow, among others.
Fort GreeneVille Chapter and local volunteers are already working hard to ensure that all veterans laid to rest at Greenville Union Cemetery, historical Water St. Cemetery, St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery, and Stelvideo Cemetery are honored this December on National Wreaths Across America Day. The ceremony will be held simultaneously across the country at more than 1,200 locations on Saturday, Dec. 13, 2025. The goal is to place a live, balsam fir wreath at the headstone of every veteran buried at these locations, and spread patriotism and commemoration for the ultimate sacrifices they made for our country.
This annual event seeks to further the Wreaths Across America mission of REMEMBER the fallen, HONOR those who serve and TEACH our children the value of freedom. The local ceremony ensures that the memory of those who served our country endures.
Anyone interested in donating wreaths can Wreaths can be ordered online at the mentioned cemeteries at – Choose the sponsorship group: OH0151P-Fort GreeneVille DAR 4-038OH and select the specific cemetery.
Wreaths can also be ordered by contacting any Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR member or emailing through November 2025.
Pictured: Fort GreeneVille DAR Members, Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Treaty City Industries, Eileen McKnight, and Park National Bank.