Give Before You Go: Support Local Blood Donations This Spring Break

DAYTON, Ohio – As spring break approaches and students and families prepare to travel, Versiti Blood Center of Ohio – Dayton is urging donors to give blood before heading out of town. March and April mark a peak travel season, which often leads to a sharp decline in blood donations, making it a critical time for hospitals and patients in need. Blood donation can help patients of all ages who are victims of traumatic accidents, organ transplant recipients, or individuals battling diseases like cancer.

The impact on the local blood supply would be significant if all eligible donors set aside an hour of their time to donate before they go. For those planning a staycation this year, the center encourages donations at a mobile blood drive or at the Dayton Blood Donation Center on Main Street.

Statistics show that about 40% of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, but only about 3% of Americans donate each year. Experts estimate that if just 1% more Americans donated, the blood supply shortage could be eliminated.

Spring Pickleball Promotion

As an extra incentive to donate blood this spring, the center is offering donors a chance to enhance their pickleball game. Anyone who donates blood, platelets, or plasma at the Versiti Dayton Center between March 17 and March 22 will receive a pickleball paddle set, while supplies last. The center invites the community to help boost blood collection before the busy spring break season begins. Don’t miss the opportunity to make a difference—appointments can be made now.

Walk-ins are welcome, or you can make an appointment by calling (937) 461-3220. To register online, please visit our website at

For 60 years, we have proudly served our community as the Community Blood Center, and we are now Versiti Blood Center of Ohio. Our commitment to helping neighbors in need remains unwavering.

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