Along Life’s Way… Patterns

By Lois E. Wilson

The word “pattern” has several meanings. Let’s explore a few. It can be a pattern or repeated design by nature or in objects created by humans. Our universe was formed so that the planets revolve around the sun. The earth rotates on its axis to make a day. Our moon orbits around the earth.

Other natural patterns are the ripples in the sand of a desert, rainbows, snowflakes, fingerprints, and net- shaped designs on a cantaloupe’s rind. Think of seashells and peacocks; patterns abound in nature. 

In the King James Version of the Bible, Exodus 25: 9, 40, the word comes up several times when the Lord is instructing Moses on the need to carefully follow the patterns for building the tabernacle  and articles to be used in worship. In other words, patterns can also be blueprints.

In I Timothy l: 16, Paul writes to Timothy and points out that Christ had chosen him (Paul) to be the pattern for other believers to follow so that they can tell of Christ’s suffering for their everlasting life.

Humans are challenged almost every day to create patterns which enhance or simplify their lives.

How do you arrange the items in closets or cupboards? A pattern can be a model or design used as a guide in making clothing. Pattern choices are important. Unwanted results may occur such as described in these few lines from a verse of mine:

“When choices are not wise with large flashy flowers, the print overpowers. If you have a small frame, it’s best to keep them tame.

For a plus-woman’s gown, stripes should run up and down not across the torso which makes her look more-so.” 

Other daily patterns we establish are eating times, bedtime and wake-up times. Do we have patterns in our lives for attending church, doctor appointments, club meetings, children’s activities, and recreation participation?

At times we may encounter patterns of unwelcome or unhealthy behavior among family members or friends. Do we address them in a positive way perhaps exhibiting better behavior ourselves—are we good examples? Remember, bad patterns repeated over and over can result in your being in a rut. You may find it difficult to climb out and go a different direction.

There are those who can help you to form new and better patterns. The Bible is always there to help you find the best pattern for your life. Add your creativity to the best patterns you have around; you’ll enjoy them more.

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