Along Life’s Way… Got Some Elmer’s?

By Lois E. Wilson

These days, it seems a lot of things are becoming unglued. And I do not mean stripping wallpaper. They have been changed completely or modified in such a way that they are no longer functioning as well as we would like or at all. This may be because of misjudgment, mismanagement, or leadership mistakes. Some have identified these as current U.S. “crises:”

                                Immigration and border control.

                                Economic problems—inflation and under employment.

                                Foreign relations

                                Oil and gas pipelines shut down.

                                Attempts to “pack” the Supreme Court.

                                Supply chain at a standstill.

                                Government (DOJ) fighting parents over local school curricula.

                                Non-support of law enforcement.

                                Lack of planning for U.S. withdrawal of Afghanistan.

The ungluing of past successes and implementation of new policies has failed to move the country forward. The United States seems to be suffering from too many bad choices which have made it less influential and powerful among other nations. Therefore, we are less safe, less independent and less prosperous. Our status in the world has diminished.

The slogan “America First” seems to have been discarded by too many in current leadership. It is difficult to identify what philosophy is guiding them and why the change is warranted. Motives are suspect. 

People are beginning to wonder if it is already too late to return America back to historical principles? Is our country too fragmented to repair and make it an example of freedom and greatness? We should be optimistic, it is not too late. But it will be a challenge for us. What can each of us do?

We can study closely candidates running for any office to determine what their core beliefs are. Do they coincide with what we think will be the right direction to heal divisions and help unite people? Or are they going to provide more of the same and consider only goals that serve their own purposes regardless of how they affect the country as a whole.

One should search for and support candidates who are not unglued but want to adhere to setting a meaningful and positive course. This is the glue we need to hold us together. The candidates should have the stick-to-itive-ness to hold firm to the promises they made during their campaigns for office.

When we decide on candidates who fit our requirements, we always have the obligation to vote. We are the final glue that seals what direction the future of our country will go. Pray we make the right choices.

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