Santa’s message to the children of Darke County

December 25, 2017

Note from Mr. Robinson: As always, Santa couldn’t remember my name, but he remembered the questions many of our children asked him. He sent me this letter several years ago and asked me to share it with all the children in Darke County. I figured now would be a pretty good time.

Dear John,

I’m surprised at you, Helper No. 31278864. Your children asked me questions again this year but you didn’t remind me to answer them. Shame on you!! But you know Santa, ho ho ho! I will answer them anyway. Thank you, children, for all of the wonderful letters you sent to me. I loved reading them and will answer as many of them as I can.

Like I do every year, I’m going to sleep for 48 hours and go on the diet Mrs. Santa insists on after all those delicious cookies and milk I had last night. Then I have to get to work for Christmas 2018. But first I’m going to answer the questions my young friends asked. I can’t let the little ones down.

My reindeer’s names are: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and, of course, Rudolf. None of them want to retire yet. They love the food I give them, like lemmings, arctic fish, birch leaves and mushrooms. And yes, Rudolf is real. His nose is so bright I can see for miles on the darkest night… even when it’s foggy, snowing or raining.

What is it like at the North Pole? Well, let’s see… it’s cold at the North Pole. Really cold. But it’s bright and colorful all the time. Half of the year the sun warms us up and keeps everything bright. The other half of the year we have to use light bulbs. Thousands of them. We put them on Candy Cane poles. But here’s the best part… Santa’s Workshop is covered in a shroud so we can’t be seen. That’s why you’ve never been here. We need every minute to make gifts for all the little boys and girls every year so we don’t have time to entertain visitors.

Did you know my reindeer and I visited 205 million homes this year? The average family has three children and a mommy and a daddy. That’s over one billion gifts! Quite an accomplishment for an old man who lost track of his age over 500 years ago. Ho ho ho!

How do I do that? Well, my little friends, that’s a trade secret. But here are some hints: Compression Dust, Aviation Dust and Lightspeed Sonar. If you are all good, I just might tell you a little more next year. Ho ho ho!

Are my elves small? Well, just like people everywhere, my elves come in all sizes. They come to me from orphanages and like everyone, they grow up. Some choose to stay. They become my teachers for the little ones. Others choose to leave, so I sprinkle them with Memory Dust so they can have happy lives wherever they choose to live.

Now comes the hard part. So many of you wonderful children have asked me to help sick or poor families and children. I wish I could. My elves and I make presents. We make millions and millions of children happy every year. But we also do something else…

We keep the Spirit of Christmas alive. Just as God gave us His most precious Gift, the Baby Jesus, we are reminded to share the gifts of love and generosity to help those most in need. I can’t do miracles, but this is the time of year when they often happen.

Maybe you can help me. Can you try to keep the Spirit of Christmas alive all year? One child asked that I be given a gift, and that God be given one as well. The Spirit of Christmas. All year long. That would be the most wonderful gift that either of us could ask for.

I’m going to sleep now. It’s been a long and wonderful night. See you next year!



Photo: People / How Stuff Works

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