Pete’s Countdown Word Chain Puzzle

By Lois E. Wilson

Use the numbered clues to find the answers to this word chain puzzle. The last letter of each is the first letter of the next answer.  Each dash stands for a letter. Work up and down. The puzzle is started for you. Solve it correctly, then reading down, the first letters of the answers spell out what Pete has been counting the days until—

Scroll down for answers.

Answers: 1.Thaw, 2.Wide, 3.Eden, 4.Nest, 5.Tray, 6.Yeast, 7.Throw, 8.Wife, 9.Even, 10.Neat. 11.Troy, 12.Yet, 13.Tow, 14.Who, 15.Omni, 16.Ins, 17.Sash, 18.Home, 19.Ever, 20.Rome, 21.East. Phrase: TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO IS HERE!

© 2021 Lois E. Wilson

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