GPL brings the library to the community

GREENVILLE – The Greenville Public Library Extension Services department is currently accepting new patrons to be added to our monthly delivery schedule.

Extension Services deliveries are reserved for those patrons unable to leave their homes, for health reasons or otherwise. Patrons recovering from surgeries or severe illness, as well as those who don’t drive during inclement weather, may also utilize the service until they are able to return to the library themselves.

The Extension Services team at Greenville Public Library currently serves 12 individual patrons from all over Darke County each month, as well as five preschools and six nursing homes.

Long-time GPL employee Jeffery Deeter makes all of the scheduled deliveries in the library van. He has been delivering books for Extension Services since 2002 when they still used the Bookmobile.

Any GPL patron interested in our delivery services can call Susana at (937) 548-3915 for more information.

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