Edison State Employees Recognized for Years of Service 

Edison State Community College recognized 25 employees for a combined total of 245 years of service in their careers during its 43rd annual employee recognition celebration.

The event was held virtually and took participants on a trip down memory lane, allowing them to “guess the graduate” and reflect on Edison State memories in a yearbook-style format. Elizabeth DuBois, Coordinator of Employee Recruitment, Training, and Development, hosted the event, and Dr. Doreen Larson, President, provided remarks. In place of a catered in-person dinner, honorees were presented with gift cards to use at the Upper Valley Career Center’s Cornerstone @ 8811 restaurant.

“This is our opportunity to celebrate the employees that have been with us anywhere from five to 30 years,” said Dr. Larson. “The variety of folks we have, the talents they bring, and the work they do changes people’s lives forever, for the better. The people we’re honoring and celebrating today have dedicated many, many years to that effort and to Edison State.”

Edison State recognized the following employees for reaching significant milestones in their careers at Edison State:

Thirty Years: Becky Pepiot

Twenty Years: Chuck Steel

Fifteen Years: Donna Argo, Karen Baker, Susan Miller, Rick Roberts, and Tony Spencer

Ten Years: Amy Barr, Tom Burelison, Andrea Francis, Brian Leingang, Amy Schwable, Sharon Thomas

Five Years: Todd Brittingham, Steve Brown, Chris Cummings, Kerry Dowling, Melissa Eve, Darlene Francis, Dr. Rick Hanes, Deb Holthaus, Brad Lentz, Norma Petkus, Erin Reese, and Chris Spradlin

Photo: Becky Pepiot—30 Years of Service to Edison State

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