A decision of the Darke County Wellness Challenge comes as a surprise and might be the end of many 5K races.

Many small organizations in Darke County that organized a 5K race and used it as a fundraiser for their cause just got hit by a hammer: the Darke County Wellness Challenge committee has decided to disband the Darke County Wellness Challenge after the 2022 racing season.

The Darke County Wellness Challenge claims that they made the decision because of the decline of the sponsorships and committee participation over the last several years. The committee feels it is time to take a step back.

This comes at a time, when many organizations are already in the planning phase for the 2023 season and most likely some of them already made (financial) committments.

Without an “umbrella organization” like the Darke County Wellness Challenge, this might be the end for the 5Ks of some small organizations – and with that the end of a fundraising program for these organizations.

On top of that, the company that provided the timing system and the online registration backed out and doesn’t come back for the races (which might be a blessing in disguise. There are alternatives out there).

Will there be an organization that steps up and is willing to do something for the community? We will see!

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