A Santa in our Hearts

By Phyllis Mong, Senior Scribe

CNO 2012… Christmas Season Memories

At Christmastime, many years ago – during 1973-1974 – Santa was called to visit many towns. Lo and behold, Santa was called to a small town in Ohio. It was Greenville and he was asked to be in the Holiday parade. So, Santa got his bright red suit, black boots all spruced up and bells sparkling. He had his beard brushed and combed out. He was looking good to meet all the children and parents which lined the downtown sidewalks by the hundreds.

It was time for the Christmas season to begin.

Riding down Broadway I could see the tears in Santa’s eyes to see such an overwhelming crowd. As he entered the Little House that was prepared for his visit in Greenville for a few weeks before he moved on, lines of children and their parents talked to him expressing their wishes for toys. All explaining they had been good boys and girls. They were handed a special treat.

Santa remembers one little girl, maybe two, dressed in a pretty blue velvet hat and coat. Today, that little girl is married and has a little one of her own. Santa would call the little girls and boys by their name. Most never realized this was because their names were on their jackets. What a thrill to them that Santa remembered their name. That goes for adults, too.

Santa left his little house on occasion, to walk around downtown greeting people – calling them by their names also. What a surprised look they would get. Santa would ring his bells and visit all the downtown stores, passing out candy canes to the many shoppers. There were so many stores at that time, people shopped downtown. Santa enjoyed each evening and many parties he was able to attend. Since the reindeers were at a local farm, the friendly Greenville Police Department escorted Santa uptown to his little house.

Santa has so many memories living in Greenville. One bright sunny day when the snow covered the ground, Wanda Rismiller picked Santa up to visit the residents at the Darke County home – this was before the home was destroyed a year or so later by fire. It was a wonderful experience Santa had that day. It was a fun and exciting day for all, but especially Santa. One little lady “Ida” said Santa was full of the “Ole Knick.” Tears were in Santa’s eyes that day also.

After so many memories Santa had in Greenville, it was a time to move on to a different town. Times have changed over the years, but there is a Santa in our hearts and always will be. Young and old cherish your memories!

Have a wonderful and blessed Holiday Season!

Santa – 1973-74


Good Morning,
Was good to see both of you yesterday. The Santa article was in Sun, Nov21, 2010, Early Bird. Ck’d CNO this morning and think Bob will have an article on Sat CNO. It’s probably the same article not sure. ! Think there was only one story. Couldn’t believe 40 yrs ago I was at the end of the parade and this year I was at the beginning. Both wonderfull tear jerking times, guess i’ll always be a kid!!!!

Have a great day,little misty but nice. Take care.

Have a Merry Christmas with many Happy Days!!

PM 🙂

That’s okay, Phyllis… I’ll always be a kid, too. It’s a wonderful time. Bob

Check out additional photos at http://www.countynewsonline.org/santa/2012/dec/santa-in-hearts.html

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