Air Quality Alert in effect from Midnight tonight until Midnight Saturday night.
The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission and the Regional Air Pollution Control Agency have issued an Air Quality Alert for Montgomery, Miami, Greene, Clark, Preble and Darke counties in the
Miami Valley Region, from midnight tonight to midnight EDT Saturday night.
Levels of air pollution within the region may approach or exceed unhealthy standards. For additional information, please visit miamivalleyair.org or call 937-223-6323.
On Alert days, help reduce air pollution by taking the following actions:
* Carpool, if possible, bike, walk or take the bus instead of driving alone.
* Refuel your vehicle after 8 pm.
* Do not idle your vehicle, exhaust contributes to air pollution.
* Mow your lawn in the evening hours and avoid the use of gas-powered lawn equipment.
For additional actions and information, visit miamivalleyair.org or call 937-223-6323