By Lois E. Wilson
“Woke” is a term that originated in the United States referring to a perceived awareness of issues that concern social justice and racial justice. ..“Stay woke” refers to a continuing awareness of these issues. “Cancel culture” (or call-out culture) is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles—either on-line or social media. (Quotes from Wikipedia)
We have read and heard many reports lately of groups and individuals who have been banned on social media and in articles. Former President Trump and conservative groups have been singled out for this strategy. It is affecting the world of published books and materials.
I am concerned about the direction and speed with which it is spreading. I decided to voice my thoughts in verse:
Awareness Alert!
Like the bird of prey—the vulture,
Today we have “cancel culture.”
Once the zealots did book burning;
Do we worry where they’re turning?
No more stocks for public blaming—
Media’s used for public shaming.
It finds its targets everywhere;
Filled with damage, it takes to air.
Now Dr. Seuss and some Muppets
Are decried by all these puppets.
Awake all to our growing breach
And “stay woke” to keep free speech
Keep watching the country’s direction. Rowan Atkinson, the actor, calls “cancel culture—the digital equivalent of the medieval mob roaming the streets looking for someone to burn.”
In 2020 and this year, there have been mobs looking for something to burn or destroy—businesses, buildings, historical statues, cars of law enforcement, and most hurtful the flag of our country. We have an obligation to those who came before and those yet to come. Each generation must accept the responsibility to protect our freedoms and keep our country safe. I repeat, “Stay woke!”