By Lois E. Wilson
As you readers have probably guessed, I often analyze words to construct and increase choices in the puzzles for Puzzle Pete’s page on CNO.
I recently noticed within the words “empathy” and its adjective form “empathetic” there are several other interesting words which could have a positive or negative interpretation.
A common definition of “empathy” is “the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference—that is the capacity to place oneself in another’s position.” (Wikipedia)
Keeping the order of the letters in “empathy,” remove the letters “a” and “h.” The audible form is the word “ah” which could be an expression used when showing one’s empathy toward another’s situation. Reverse the letters to “ha!” and it may be a scoff or derisive comment.
With their removal, the word “empty” is left. It has many definitions and synonyms such as barren, hollow, trivial, vain, meaningless, and containing nothing—to name a few.
From the adjective “empathetic,” the negative word “pathetic” can be pulled. It could be an apt description of a person who is self-absorbed and has no empathy for those who could use some.
Considering the words “empathy” and “empathetic” again, they both contain the word “path.”
“Empathetic” also has “the” within it.
One could ask, “Am I being shown ‘the path’ to empathy and how to truly be an empathetic person?” It is a worthy goal. One never knows when we show empathy along life’s way what the results might be:
“Our time grows richer with each day / Thus we’re formed by the friends we find— / Blessed by love from the bonds that bind.”
If you are running on empty, fill up your tank with love and empathy—as you travel onward through the future, you’ll likely be richer for it.