Along Life’s Way… Being the “GOAT”

By Lois E. Wilson

The word “GOAT” has several meanings: It can be the animal or the sign of Capricorn in the Zodiac. Slang dictionaries list the following meanings: a hot rod car, a person who takes the blame for failure or wrongdoing, the most junior officer in an Army unit, a railroad switch or yard engine.

From ESPN panels discussing sports personnel, I had heard participants proposing and calling different players the “goat”. I thought perhaps they were disparaging them. But everyone they nominated, I knew to have been a good player when they were active.

After doing some research on the term, I found in baseball the word “goat” has two meanings: In lower case, the term is ascribed both to a team player or fan whose actions during play lead to a loss. The second (and positive) connotation is the all-caps acronym—GOAT given to legendary athletes in a sport.

The earliest example found for “G.O.A.T.” meaning “greatest of all time” is from September 1992, when Lonnie Ali, Muhammad Ali’s wife, incorporated Greatest of All Time, Inc. (G.O.A.T. Inc.) to consolidate and license her husband’s intellectual properties for commercial purposes. ESPN now has a new documentary sports show called:”G.O.A.T.s”

Other accounts say the first time it was used with the GOAT meaning was in 1997 by the rapper, Common. He gave the term to streetball legend, Earl Manigault.  It is said to be from a teacher’s mispronunciation of his last name—“Mani-goat”. The term “Greatest of All Time” is now applied to exceptional people in various fields such as politics, science, the arts, and leadership. 

One should always aspire to be the best they can be in their areas of endeavor. But being realistic is also important. They should realize receiving such acclaim is recognition by others of one’s accomplishments within a certain time period. The Halls of Fame, Oscars, Pulitzer Prizes, etc. all have dates attached to the winner’s name.

With the GOAT award, it is more subjective, and transient. People have their own opinions on whom to bestow such an honor. Prospects for the title mature, new people come to the forefront, and new areas of application may be discovered. In other words the title of the GOAT can be generational. It is in that sense a fleeting award.

Those who have been chosen for it often become legends. You know how I enjoy acronyms, especially the ones that spell something. I propose we rename GOAT to The Greatest Of All Time—For All Time. Oops! That’s “GOAT-FAT”–Nevermind!!!

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