Along Life’s Way… Church Moments

By Lois E. Wilson

Church services are a time to refresh ourselves in our faith. I believe that God has a sense of humor and at times must look at us and shake His head with a smile on His face. These are a few examples I have written over the years that might bring forth a few smiles:


I go to church each Sunday; it helps to keep me whole. I left home at nine o’clock; a good seat was my goal. Now I have to come at eight, but not to feed my soul. I must speed to claim my space—before the back pew’s full.


Through the years almost every Sunday, you sat behind me—what was the sight? You watched my hair go scattergun gray, saw it slowly turn totally white.


During the Sunday service when it’s time for all to rise, we women must be nervous and conscious of others’ eyes. Chances are six out of eight we’ll tug at our jacket’s back—making sure that it hangs straight and what others see is slack.


The preacher was in a groove as he talked of right and wrong. With each theme he tried to move and challenge the Sunday throng. Though he shared his studied views, and his words were true and strong, there was mumbling in the pews; his sermon was growing long, Grandpa Gumble had dozed off, and children began to cry. Here and there a covered cough or someone would sound a sigh. Others were about to go when a brave man stood and spoke, “Say, pastor, didn’t you know that the back wall clock is broke?”  


While you’re kneeling at the altar to partake of bread and cup, do you pray that you won’t falter when itsyour turn to stand up?

We do pray that our churches are able to resume all their regular activities.  We thank God for His love and guidance during this period of the pandemic. Bring on the smiles again!

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