America Should Be Afraid of Trump, Because He Will Undo All of the “Good” Things that Biden Has Done for the Country. ….What ???

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner |  

Listening to the Dems and Libs these days, it’s hard to believe what we’re hearing.    It’s full defense of Joey Ice Cream, and all the backwards non-accomplishments and insanity, as if we were hearing someone brag about Abe Lincoln or Winston Churchill, in their full, prime glories.  

And why must we also listen constantly to their absolute fear that Donald J. Trump will defeat their boy in the 2024 Presidential election?   To the exclusion of all else, and all other things that matter so much more than an election that is still two years away.  

But that’s what we’re hearing:     Biden has reduced inflation, unemployment, gas prices, and illegal immigration, etc.   All blatant lies which ignore that these rates and prices and numbers were all at their lowest points in decades, before Trump was obliged to leave office in Jan. 2021.   

Then they were all sent up to historically and tragically high numbers, by the actions and inactions of Joey B. (Loves China) and his friends and masters, and are now reducing themselves ever so slightly, as Americans are forced to make the necessary adjustments and changes to their lives and lifestyles, since the Joey B. (loves Rwanda too) group started this train wreck two years ago.

But this feeling, and fear by the Left, and its Cabal which tells Sleepy Joey B. what to do, is easily understandable.  

Ya see, if The Donald were to get back in as President, then the energy industry would be forced to re-open their refineries, and pipelines, and drilling and mining sites all over the country, and inflation would tumble back down to numbers too low for the government to control them, and Americans’ incomes might show excess cash for additional purposes, and even savings.    Not a good thing, …for Dems. 

And if DJT were to return as Prez, then American industries would have to return their manufacturing plants to the U.S., and that would unfortunately make the American economy better, and make things worse for our foreign partners like China, Mexico, Thailand, and the Philippines, etc.   

And worst of all, for the Dems and the Left, bringing back American manufacturing facilities, and re-opening the energy industry, would make BOTH the unemployment and inflation rates come down, way down, again, and that would definitely be a bad thing for the Dems.   Needy Americans equal more votes for the Dems, and more control, as well.  

China would be mad at Trump too, because he would stop giving away our oil reserves to them, for basically nothing, and start charging them tariffs again.   Bad Orange Man.  

Also, if Trump were President again, then Americans would be demanded to start rebuilding the wall along the southern border again, which would mean much less, if any, Hispanic “immigrants” would be allowed into the U.S., which naturally means less new votes for the Dems, and more jobs for Americans, which also equals fewer votes for those Dems.

And unfortunately for the Drug Cartels, all the Fentanyl that they are shipping across our currently wide open border would dry up to nothing, and then what would they do?    Trump couldn’t care less about those serial killer drug dealers, and is that fair to them?   Joey Basement thinks that would be totally unfair.  

By the way, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, there were more Fentanyl overdose deaths in 2020 and 2021 combined, than in the ENTIRETY of the Vietnam war, from 1955 to 1975.    How ‘bout those numbers, …Dems and Leftys??

And what would the Black Community do, if Trump were returned to the Presidency?    With all those extra jobs they are not used to, under the Dems, and without all the govt. checks coming their way, and with no more govt. interference in their lives?     Could be wonderful? 

But it might just mean that the Blacks and Hispanics and Asians and other minorities would have to actually earn their way to economic and academic success, among other mundane things.  

Oh wait, they already did that, under Trump the first time.   No wonder the Dems are so scared of him.    With him in, there would be no need for that big fat federal govt. to just keep growing and growing, and spending and spending of all our tax money, and then what would the Dems do??

And without the Dems continuing to destroy the Black Culture in the U.S., by keeping a tight control over it, and limiting and controlling them, and all the other minorities, then what need would there be to have all these Dems around, giving out checks, and keeping all their “people” under their big thumb.  

So the Dems are not only doing everything possible to make life miserable in our country, if not destroying it, but they refuse to talk about any of that, neither the causes nor the remedies, because all they can talk about is Donald Trump.  

They are afraid that he will undo all of the “good” work they have done, by putting themselves, and their big government, in control of everything in our lives.

To hear the Left and the Dems talk about Joey B.’s presidency in anything like accepting terms, and sometimes even glowing ones, puts a damper on much hope for our country’s division to ever be mended. 

It takes a bit of intelligence, and certainly common sense, for that to even start happening.   And the Left demonstrates very little of either, in their support of this far past “over the Hill” President they are currently managing.  

Let’s hope the New Year brings some sanity to our politics.   But right now, I’m not seeing it, nor hearing anything like it.  

M.A.G.A.    It’s not just for one man, nor one side.   Just Do It. 

©  Copyright  Joe Facinoli,   12-17-2022

Intelligent Response Encouraged.  

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