Arcanum Public Library welcomes new director

The Board of Trustees of the Arcanum Public Library is pleased to announce that Peggy Grim has been named as its new Library Director.  In her role, Peggy will continue leading the team in providing quality services, programming and materials.

Peggy has more than 20 years of service with the library and has worked for three different directors.  With this experience in the library and her passion for the community, she is excited about the opportunity to find new ways to serve the public, particularly through programming and outreach.

Peggy enjoys being able to work with the patrons and appreciates spending time with fellow book lovers.  She believes in the importance of the mission of public libraries and the services they provide to the community.  She notes that one of the newest offerings, wi-fi mobile hotspots which may be borrowed, has been extremely beneficial for the public.

She has been a member of the community all her life and currently resides in Arcanum with her family.

Please stop by the library and congratulate her on this new opportunity.

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