Did you know that the misuse of prescription medications is one of our country’s most pressing public health problems, with adverse drug events being a significant issue for older adults? It’s true that prescription medications can help us live longer and healthier lives, but any medication has the potential to do harm—especially when misused.
Ohio State Extension is happy to partner with Arcanum Public Library, New Madison Public Library, and Worch Memorial Public Library to bring Generation Rx to our community. Generation Rx is a nation-wide educational initiative to promote safe medication practices in an effort to prevent the misuse of prescription drugs. Generation Rx is offered through a partnership between the Cardinal Health Foundation and The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy and will be presented by Dr. Roseanne Scammahorn, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator for OSU Extension, Darke County.
This educational programming will address simple ways to decrease the risk for adverse drug events, the safe storage and disposal of medications, as well as prescription drug misuse in our country. The educational program includes engaging activities that focus on teaching older adults safe medication practices. There will also be the opportunity for the audience to participate in a Q&A session. Those who attend will be entered to win a free, Jssmst locking medicine box (one box will be given away at each of the 3 events).
If you are interested in participating in this one-hour, free workshop, there are three dates and locations to choose from:
Tuesday, September 7, Arcanum Public Library, 7pm–8pm, 937-692-8484
Friday, September 10, New Madison Public Library, 1pm–2pm, 937-996-1741
Tuesday, September 21, Worch Memorial Public Library, Versailles, 2pm–3pm, 937-526-3416
To register for a class, please contact the location you wish to attend.
For additional information on this other Generation RX programs, please contact Dr. Roseanne Scammahorn at 937-548-5215 or Scammahorn.5@osu.edu.