Attorney Registration Deadline Nears

By Csaba Sukosd |

Ohio attorneys have until Sept. 1, 2023, to register for the upcoming two-year licensing cycle.

Registration for this biennium that runs from Sept. 1, 2023, to Aug. 31, 2025, must be done online. To register, lawyers go to the attorney registration page on the Supreme Court of Ohio website. There is a video tutorial that walks people through the process.

All active, corporate, and military spouse attorneys must register with the Office of Attorney Services. The registration fee is $400 for the two years. Attorneys who meet certain guidelines and limit their practice to pro bono cases through a recognized pro bono provider, known as emeritus pro bono, pay $75. Lawyers who fail to register by Sept. 1 must pay a $100 late fee. If an attorney doesn’t register by Oct. 31, their license will be suspended. For attorneys whose employer pays their registration fee, they can go online and register designating the third-party payer. The employer can pay all attorney fees at once through the agency billing page.

And beginning this year, bar cards are sent electronically. Attorneys can store the identification on their phone or print them out as needed.

Read this and more at Court News Ohio

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