Stop scammers in their tracks: Share these important tips with your family and friends.
“I thought it was someone from the bank!”
Scammers are professional imposters. They’ll pretend to be a relative, a utility company or even a bank.
“They said I had an overdue bill.”
Scammers want to make you panic and overreact without thinking. A loved one in trouble, a late bill or an amazing deal are all tactics to throw you off.
“She needed my account info right away.”
Scammers will want your money fast. They’ll tell you to send funds immediately, often via wire transfer or payment apps, where the money is unlikely to be recovered.
“He was so friendly.”
Scammers often use social media to deceive. They’ll try to befriend you, strike up a relationship, then hit you with exclusive “insider” deals and get-rich-quick schemes.
Scammers will steal your information, your money and even your identity. Don’t let them!