Billed as “A show unlike any other,” “Erth's Dinosaur Zoo” takes audiences on a breathtaking tour where they interact with amazingly life-like dinosaurs and other...
The Edison Foundation held its 27th annual Holiday Evening at Edison State Community College on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, raising $52,275. Over 320 guests attended...
Darke County Center for the Arts Family Theatre Series featuring shows that entertain the entire family from toddlers to grandparents will open its 2024-2025 season...
Darke County Center for the Arts will present an intimate evening of song when Celtic Album of the Year-winner Siusan O'Rourke performs at The Coffee...
The event will feature performances from the Kim Kelly Orchestra, Parker Hastings, and the Springfield Symphony Orchestra String Quartet II. The Edison Foundation’s 27th Annual...
The Greenville Art Guild recently held their annual People’s Choice Art Show at Beanz Buttercream Bakery. The show is held each year to celebrate the...
Darke County Center for the Arts will bring three of Nashville's most talented singer/songwriters to Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall in Greenville on Saturday, November...