After 12 years of service for Darke County, Commissioner Stegall retires at the end of December 2022. He always said that he limits himself to 3 terms – and followed through and did not run for a 4th term.
Following the regular session on 11/29 an Open House was hosted by the Commissioners to give people a chance to meet Mike Stegall for congratulations and retirement-wishes.
Many people, politicians, business people, organizations, citizens and friends came to thank Mike for his service for the County and to wish him all the best for his retirement.
Stegall plans to play more golf and to travel with his wife of 46 years Rosemary.
Asked about his 12 years as a Commissioner and the accomplishments, he said “It was not the success of one person. It couldn’t have been done without the team. And we have a great team, not just the Commissioners. And because of this great team, Darke County is so successful. Now it’s time for younger people and Marshall Combs will be a great Commissioner”.
CNO congratulates Mike Stegall. Thanks for your service, Mike, and enjoy your free time!