GOP Women to host Darke County Commissioners
GREENVILLE, OHIO – Darke County Commissioners Matt Aultman, Larry Holmes and Mike Stegall will be the featured speakers at 6:30 p.m. on September 13 at the Shawnee Nature Center, 4267 State Route 502, Greenville.
As the Darke County Republican Women’s Club’s (DCRWC) strives to keep the community informed regarding the goals and achievements of its local elected officials, its September program will feature Darke County Commissioners speaking about the state of the County.
“The Darke County Republican Women’s Club recognizes the importance of the public staying involved and informed concerning local government. The county commissioners have made many strides towards improving not only the county, but also the local communities within the county. To learn more please plan to attend.” said Jaime LeVeck, DCRWC President.
In Ohio, county commissioners make up the general administrative body for county government. They can perform those duties which are specifically authorized by the Ohio General Assembly and no more. They are the county government’s taxing, budgeting, appropriating, and purchasing authority. They hold title to county property. Each commissioner holds no power to act independently — all formal and official actions must be taken by the board of county commissioners acting as a body by majority or unanimous vote.
Commissioners also have a myriad of other responsibilities including hearing and ruling on annexations, approving drainage improvements through the petition ditch process, establishing and making improvements to water and sewer districts, and providing for solid waste disposal.
The program is free and does not require reservations. The Club offers an optional dinner prior to the speaker’s program at a cost per person of $10 for those who would like to attend and have made reservations for the meal. Dinner reservations must be made prior to noon, August 9th by calling Wavelene Denniston at (937) 547-6477 or emailing her at: DCRWReservations@darkegop.org.
DCRWC is a political group founded to provide political education and legislative information; provide a wider knowledge of the principles of the Republican Party; increase the number of registered Republicans; recruit, promote, and support qualified Republican women for political office; give exposure to and work actively for all Republican candidates; and lend support to the activities of other Republican organizations. The DCRWC is a multi-generational, multi-cultural organization providing the structure and support for political activists to learn, engage, and flourish. The Club is chartered by the National Federation of Republican Women and is a member of the Ohio Federation of Republican Women. For more information, visit: http://www.darkegop.org/womens-club.html or email President Jaime LeVeck at: DCRWPresident@darkegop.org
Photo: Darke County Commissioners left to right, Matt Aultman, Larry Holmes and Mike Stegall