Job Offer: Darke County Economic Development is hiring a Career Connections Coordinator

Are you passionate about working with the emerging workforce and helping students make connections to their “what’s next”?


Full Time Employment (a job working 40 hours per week or more)


Do you have a passion for helping students achieve their dreams while building a life here in Darke County? We’re looking for someone to work directly with juniors and seniors enrolled in Darke County school districts as they navigate employment and education opportunities and plan for their future. Ideal candidates must possess strong organizational, project management, problem-solving and communication skills. 


This position will work directly with Darke County school districts to help students recognize and understand employment and educational opportunities. The Career Connections Coordinator will be the primary liaison between students, guidance staff, school administration, and DCED office. This person will work closely with DCED Workforce Specialist, who serves as the primary contact with local businesses. Together the two positions will work to educate and connect students to local career opportunities. Program development should include stakeholders such as local high schools, Greenville Career Technical Education Center, Miami Valley Career Technology Center, Upper Valley Career Center, Darke County Educational Service Center (ESC), county agencies, and local employers.


  1. Work with school administration and guidance counselors to identify students who may benefit from career services
  2. Meet 1:1 primarily with juniors and seniors to explore careers guided by the student’s skills, aptitudes, and preferences. Exploration may include informational interviews, job shadowing, paid or unpaid internships, etc.
  3. Serve as administrator for YouScience Career Assessment
  4. Coordinate and Oversee the implementation of Darke County Job Shadow Week, Darke County Sophomore Manufacturing Day and Darke County Summer STEAM Camp and other DCED events
  5. Develop metrics to measure results and success of the program 
  6. Research and benchmark other programs to implement innovative, best practices
  7. Support and assist Workforce Specialist in development and promotion of local work-based learning opportunities 
  8. Attendance at Darke County and Greenville Business Advisory Council meetings
  9. Attend Darke County CIC Board & Executive Board Meetings
  10. Provide regular communication to the school district superintendents, Partnering for Progress, CIC Board, Partnering for Success Board, and key influential contacts via a variety of formal and informal communications
  11. Serve as administrator for DCED’s social media platforms
  12. Any additional duties as determined by DCED Director

Click here to apply for the Career Connections Coordinator.

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