Do you have a passion for helping students achieve their dreams while building a life here in Darke County? We’re looking for someone to work directly with students as they plan for their future. Interested but not sure you should apply? Please contact Darke County Economic Development at 937-548-3250 or mnealeigh@darkecounty.com.
This position will work directly with Darke County school districts to help students recognize and understand employment and educational opportunities. The Career Navigator will be the primary liaison between students, guidance staff, school administration, and DCED office. This person will work closely with DCED Workforce Specialist, who serves as the primary contact with local businesses. Together the two positions will work to educate and connect students to local career opportunities.
- Work with school administration and guidance counselors to identify students who may benefit from career navigation services
- Meet 1:1 primarily with juniors and seniors to explore careers guided by the student’s skills, aptitudes, and preferences. Exploration may include informational interviews, job shadowing, paid or unpaid internships, etc.
- Serve as administrator for student usage of the Hometown Opportunity website
- Develop metrics to measure results and success of the program
- Research and benchmark other programs to implement innovative, best practices
- Support and assist Workforce Specialist in development and promotion of local work-based learning opportunities
- Attendance at Darke County Business Advisory Council meetings as requested
- Attend Darke County CIC Board & Executive Board Meetings as requested
- Provide regular communication to the school district superintendents, Partnering for Progress, CIC Board, Partnering for Success Board, and key influential contacts via a variety of formal and informal communications
- Serve as administrator for DCED’s social media platforms
- Any additional duties as determined by DCED Director
- Computer Skills: Familiar to proficient in Google Suite/Microsoft Office Applications, with an ability to learn emerging programs and software
- Ability to maintain confidentiality of student and corporate information
- Ability to maintain accurate records and files
- Strong organizational, project management and problem-solving skills
- Excellent communication skills, including the ability to interact with multiple groups of people, develop positive relationships and partnerships
- Demonstrate a mature, professional demeanor and proven ability to work well in a fast-paced and collaborative work environment
- Capability of leading when appropriate, being a self-starter, and able to work with minimal supervision
- Experience in social media, with skills to expand social media presence of DCED office
- A clear record as determined by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation and/or the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Satisfactory completion of drug screening test
Much of this individual’s time will be spent out of office working in local schools with students, guidance staff &/or administration, and working with other business and educational partners.
- Bachelor’s degree preferred
- Five or more years of relevant experience in education/business or other relevant field
- A passion for supporting high school students as they identify their skills, aptitudes and aspirations, culminating in meaningful, informed career planning
- Valid driver’s license
- Alternative to the above qualifications as deemed appropriate
Please send resume with cover letter to mnealeigh@darkecounty.com by Friday, April 21, 2023.