Darke County Parks Photo Contest

If you haven’t heard yet, 2022 marks The Darke County Park District’s 50th anniversary. The staff at the Park District is planning a variety of fun, new activities and events to highlight this special occasion! Starting February 1st through October 3rd, any Darke County citizen can submit a photo taken at one of the 15 Darke County Park locations. A committee of staff and volunteers will then pick the top 13 photos submitted to be on a special release 2023 wall calendar. Each winning photographer will receive a prize and free calendar.

The photographer can be an amateur or professional, of any age. We just ask they be a resident of Darke County.  You are not limited to ‘scenic’ views, the photo can contain people, pets, or animals. The photo must be taken in 2022.

To submit an entry, please email the photo in jpg format with a resolution minimum of 300 ppi to Sophie Nieport at snieport@darkecountyparks.org. Please include the following information: name of photographer, age (optional), phone number, address, and Park name the photo was taken. For more information, please email Sophie or call the Park District at 937-548-0165.

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