GOP Women install 2025-2026 officers
GREENVILLE, OHIO – The Darke County Republican Women’s Club (DCRWC) elected new officers to serve for the 2025-2026 term. The newly elected officers were recently installed by DCRWC Past President Betty Hill.
“Since my retirement in 2012, I have become politically active as an elected city council member, Republican Central Committee member and donate many volunteer hours in my community. I am looking forward to filling the office of president as it will be one more way of serving my community and the Republican Party. I would like to invite all GOP women to become a part of this club.” said Delores Ely, newly elected DCRWC President.
Officers serving along with President Ely are: First Vice President Lyn Bliss, Second Vice President Donna Gasper, Secretary Sherry Ward, Treasurer Cindy Pike, and Corresponding Secretary Angela Armstrong.
The Darke County Republican Women’s Club meets monthly with the exception of January and August. Meetings are held at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of each month and all registered Republican women are welcome to attend and join.
DCRWC is a local political group open to all Republicans. It was founded to provide political education and legislative information; provide a wider knowledge of the principles of the Republican Party; increase the number of registered Republicans; recruit, promote, and support qualified Republican women for political office; give exposure to and work actively for all Republican candidates; and lend support to the activities of other Republican organizations. The DCRWC is a multi-generational, multi-cultural organization providing the structure and support for political activists to learn, engage, and flourish. The Club is chartered by the National Federation of Republican Women and is a member of the Ohio Federation of Republican Women. For more information, visit: http://www.darkegop.org/womens-club.html or email President Delores Ely at: DCRWPresident@darkegop.org
Photo DCRWC Officers (L to R): Treasurer Cindy Pike, President Delores Ely, First Vice President Lyn Bliss, Second Vice President Donna Gasper, Corresponding Secretary Angela Armstrong, and Secretary Sherry Ward.