Darke County Sheriff’s Office Sex Offender Address Verification

On December 27, 2023, the Darke County Sheriff’s Office, Police Departments from Arcanum, Greenville, Union City, and Versailles, and the Adult Parole Authority, verified addresses of the sex offenders in Darke County. While verification is an ongoing process throughout the year by Deputies on patrol, a mass verification is an efficient way to establish sex offender address verification and focus on those subjects that need appropriate follow-up to ensure the safety of our community.

There are 100 registered sex offenders in Darke County. All of those offenders’ addresses were checked and 82 were verified this morning (Dec 28). The other 17 offenders were checked, but contact was not made with those offenders. There are a variety of reasons why contact was not made, including the subject was at a place of employment, traveling, refusal to answer the door, and/or absconded.

Deputies from the Darke County Sheriff’s Office will follow up and verify the addresses of the remaining offenders. Any offenders found not to be in compliance with the law will be investigated and charges will be presented to the Darke County Prosecutor’s Office for review.

More information regarding sex offenders can be found on our webpage, darkecountysheriff.org.

Anyone with questions about this project may contact the Darke County Sheriff’s Office at (937) 548-1193 and direct your call to Stacey.

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