Darke County Center for the Arts has issued the following statement regarding procedures to assure that patrons can purchase tickets to their presentations with confidence in light of continuing uncertainties regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
DCCA COVID-19 Ticket Guarantee
We are eager to welcome you back to our live performances and want each of our patrons to feel safe and comfortable attending performances in St. Clair Memorial Hall and our local partner venues. Rest assured, we are working to make your DCCA experience positive and safe – therefore, DCCA is offering ticket buyers the following COVID-19 Ticket Guarantee for all events in the 2021-2022 Season.
If you feel COVID-19 conditions make it unsafe for you to attend a DCCA performance/event, please contact us at 937-547-0908 or DCCA@DarkeCountyArts.org to discuss the following options.
-Exchange ticket value for another event.
-Donate the ticket value to DCCA.
As a not-for-profit arts organization, DCCA relies on donations and grants more than ever to continue our mission of cultural enrichment in Darke County.
-Request a credit for your ticket order, minus service fees, by June 1, 2022.
Thank you for your support of DCCA and the Arts in Darke County!
The health and safety of our audience, artists, and staff are top priorities. Event patrons will be required to follow all current national, state, and local Health and Safety orders and mandates, as well as those requested by our local venues.
Darke County Center for the Arts is a non-profit arts organization which presents and promotes performing and fine art encouraging cultural enrichment. DCCA is also committed to the preservation of Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall as an important cultural center in the community. For more information on DCCA and the 2021-2022 RE:VISION SEASON or to purchase tickets for an upcoming event visit our website at DarkeCountyArts.org or contact our office at (937) 547-0908.