by Marilyn Delk |
Rex Havens has appeared on HBO, Comedy Central, and Showtime, and opened for Jerry Seinfeld and Jeff Foxworthy—and now he will bring his family-friendly comedy routine to Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall in Greenville on Saturday, November 11 as part of Darke County Center for the Arts Sapphire Celebration Artists Series season. The highly anticipated show starts at 7 p.m.
Not only will this show be a whole lot of fun, it will be good for you! Even though laughter alone isn’t going to solve our problems or relieve our anxiety, watching comedy is an important medicine—and readily accessible to us. More than simply lightening our mood by providing a space where we put aside our worries and cares, humor has social and physical benefits. Laughter releases natural antidepressants dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins, neurotransmitters responsible for happiness, thus reducing stress, diminishing pain, and strengthening the immune system. Laughter lowers the blood pressure, relaxes our muscles, and burns calories. Laughter enhances our mental health by improving our mood, relieves feelings of anger and frustration, and helps reduce tension. Laughter also increases our energy, inspires hope, and adds joy to our life
But those impressive facts will not be the motivation for local citizens of all ages to consider attending the DCCA show; we will go because we want to have a good time. And Rex Havens has been providing a good time for audiences around the world since the 1980’s in a performance that has been described as “quite simply the funniest show.” In the belief that laughter is the best defense against a confusing and challenging world, the comedian mines universal human relationships for hilarious, original thoughts that he shares with audiences to great acclaim, leading one audience member to exclaim, “I laughed so much my face hurts!”
Rex Havens is a former college professor who has developed a show described as “a laugh-a-minute look at men, women, love and marriage” entitled “Everything I Needed to Know I Learned from My Wife;” the performance can be counted on to be filled with clean, positive humor and tasteful sophistication. The veteran showman offers a fresh approach to an ageless subject in a performance dedicated to the notion that happiness lies in the glory and undeniable humor of the struggle. Rex says that his act is based on two truths that he has learned about men and women–”I am a man,” and “I am sorry.”
According to the comedian, the journey to happiness includes many lessons for men, beginning at the wedding–”Sorry pal, not your day,”–and including the maxim “Women and children first! Still not your day!” and moving to the realization that “She is your better half—Guess what that makes you!” However, Rex Havens honestly examines the strengths, weaknesses, insecurities and incongruities of family life with an open mind, his humor and showmanship earning smiles and winning hearts.
Get your tickets for the Rex Havens show now by contacting DCCA at darkecountyarts.org or calling 937-547-0908;tickets will also be available at the door the night of the show. Cost of admission for adults is just $25; student tickets are half price. Bring the entire family; you will have a really good time!