“Time is running out for those seeking funding for local arts projects to apply for a grant from Darke County Endowment for the Arts, Inc.,” said DCEA President Ryan Dynes. DCEA annually grants funds to local organizations, individuals and governmental units which apply for funds to further the arts in our community; the deadline for applications to be considered for funding is Friday, April 28.
According to Mr. Dynes, to be eligible to receive funding an applicant must be located in or provide services in Darke County, Ohio. In the past, applicants who have been awarded grants used the funds to assist presentation of art exhibits, musical programs, or dance projects, and to provide special opportunities for arts education. Other projects appropriate for consideration may include innovative plans and programs that increase the quality and stature of the arts, that increase accessibility to the arts for more residents, that enable collaboration between arts groups, that provide recognition of exceptional artistic achievements, and that provide for the maintenance and development of art facilities.
Application forms may be obtained from Darke County Endowment for the Arts, Inc. at www.SupportDCEA.org, as well as by stopping by the front desk at Greenville Public Library, 520 Sycamore Street, or by sending your request to Darke County Endowment for the Arts, Inc., P.O. Box 155, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Completed applications may be submitted online, delivered to Greenville Public Library, or mailed to Darke County Endowment for the Arts, Inc. at the address previously mentioned.
In addition to DCEA’s General Fund which provides monies for these annual grants to deserving local artists and organizations, the Endowment also maintains The Darke County Center for the Arts Fund which underwrites the community arts council’s mission to present and promote the arts to culturally enrich our community, as well as The Memorial Hall Fund, dedicated to the preservation of historic Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall as a performance hall and community arts center. More information about how you can contribute to DCEA can be found at www.SupportDCEA.org, or by contacting a member of the Endowment’s Board of Trustees. Current members of the Board are Ted Abney, Antonia Baker, Ryan Dynes, Rebecca Hartnagle, Andrea Jordan, Gail Overholser and Kent Zechar; Nicole Gillespie serves as DCEA Treasurer.