The Fish Mitten Tree once again needs donated gloves and mittens to decorate its empty branches; these donations will be distributed to the children enrolled in Darke County Head Start programs. In addition to the Mitten Tree located at Montage, 525 South Broadway in Greenville, a Mitten Tree also stands at Greenville Public Library, 520 Sycamore Street, and in the Brethren Retirement Community, 750 Chestnut Street, Greenville, as well as in Fourman’s Variety Store, 4 West George Street, Arcanum.
Many churches and organizations also erect trees which collect gloves and mittens from their members; these donations are then passed on to Fish to be given to the little Head Start students. The Mitten Tree has been an annual holiday project of the local Fish organization for over fifty years.
To best meet the needs of children directly served by Head Start programs, donated gloves and mittens should fit boys and girls under age 5; however, donated items in larger sizes will be shared with Head Start families. So that the mittens and gloves can be distributed prior to Christmas, contributions should be received by December 21. For more information regarding the Mitten Tree, contact Marilyn Delk at 937-548-2482 or 937-459-2595.
Fish is an ecumenical volunteer organization which responds to emergency food needs; the Fish Choice Food Pantry, located at 400 Markwith Avenue, is open on Mondays from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesdays from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m., and on Fridays from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. No appointment is necessary to visit the Food Pantry; clients are eligible for help once every four weeks. To learn more, call Fish at 548-2000; a Fish volunteer will return your call.
Featured photo (provided): With the assistance of Fish volunteers and Head Start participants Darke County Commissioners hang the first mittens on the Fish Mitten Tree located at Montage Cafe.