Dems want to distract us into believing that abortion and child transgender surgery are the top campaign issues in the coming elections – They most definitely are NOT.

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner |

An issue needs to be unsettled, and still up for debate, before it can become a topic of serious discussion, where the outcome might be changed after further talks and shared information.  

Abortion is not one of those issues, where the outcome can change.   Because no matter what anyone says, nor however they reason, excuse, nor attempt to redefine it, there is still a loss of human life in every, single abortion performed.  

Murder is done, even if the doctors and mothers and others who agree to it, believe differently.   An infant’s life, which starts at conception, is knowingly and purposely taken away, inexcusably, every time.   In a horribly gruesome manner, especially for the unborn baby. 

Almost as bad, and some might even say worse, are the surgeries performed on young children, to try to change their genders because some selfish and misinformed parents, and their shamefully complicit doctors, think that God, or their Deity, made a mistake by putting a penis on a baby boy who they believe is really a baby girl, or the reverse, when they think a baby girl needs one, to be a baby boy.  

Amazingly, they are doing this, and blocking their genetic hormones, to kids who are only just a few years old, even as young as 3 or 4.    

How in that same God’s name, can anyone, doctors, parents, even the young child, tell that a sex change operation is in order, to make this kid’s life better and more livable, at such a very young age???  

As if anyone can ever really tell, or know, even the person on whom the change is being made.  

And just like abortion, once this operation is completed, there is no way to make it go back, after finding out that maybe one of these horrid operations might have been the actual mistake.  

You can’t put certain human body parts back, once they have been removed, nor reconstruct others which have been changed, after different items have been added.  

And you can’t bring back the life of a sweet and deserving unborn human, after they have been torn apart in a brutal surgery, then removed from their mother’s womb, and thrown away.   Dead is forever, no matter whether someone’s conscience, or ability to reason better, may change later.  

The vast majority of youth transgender surgeries are male to female.   As many as three quarters of these operations go that way.   As to why so many more in one direction, this is very far above my pay grade.   And anyone’s, actually, because no one can possibly know about that, at such a young age.   Except for that Big Person up there, and they have already done their work.  

And whomever believes that abortion is somehow a “right”, and even that this is granted by our Constitution, is an uneducated, shallow and immoral fool. 

I never question other people’s choices for religion, nor how they may worship their maker, nor even how deep nor wide their spirituality goes.    But there are topics, and issues, and life challenges which are simply not debatable.   

Murder is murder, no matter how it is dressed up, and child molestation is the same, and even more perverted, because the child is stuck, for the rest of their lives, with some other person’s selfish decision, once into adulthood.    

Are there exceptions to not allowing nor approving any of these terrible surgeries?    Of course.   But not to the vast extent that the Dems and the Left would have us believe.   Not even close.  

And why should the 99.9% of those lives not involved in some area of exception to these “convenient” practices, be subjected to the finality of them, just because a group of non-doctors, and real but bad ones, think the culture would be better off, if we took millions of babies away every year, and irrevocably changed many thousands of others, without the permission of the affected child.  

We must always remember the common sense of all this:    Abortion is NOT birth control, and transgenderism is a lifestyle issue, versus debatable science.    Life ending surgery, or even life changing ones, should never be the solution for either circumstance.      

On average each year, 73 million abortions are performed worldwide.   The U.S. contributes about 825,000 aborted babies to that total every year, although this number is about one half of what in was in the 1990s.      

I always ask the same question, whenever I’m discussing the horrendous death numbers in any holocaust.   And make no mistake, abortion is the largest and most shameful “holocaust” in human history.  

My question is:   How many Einsteins, or Ben Carsons, or Marie Curies, or Edisons, or Fords, or Maya Angelous, or Pavarottis, or Arethas, or thousands and thousands of other doctors and scientists and businessmen and writers and musicians, and on and on, could there have been in that ridiculous number of hundreds of millions of aborted babies, over the years?    Wow, hard to think about that. 

As we have seen, in our world’s history, it only takes one special person, of the right skill and talent and determination, to make a huge difference in the human culture, and how we all live in it.   Just one.  

And based on the abortion numbers in the last 20 years, there have been more than a BILLION humans lost to this obscene practice of abortion, throughout history.   And perhaps two or three billion, if accurate records could be found, worldwide.  

I live in Baltimore, MD, one of the most dangerous cities in the entire world.   Record numbers of murders each year, and double that for the number of non-fatal shootings.  Upwards of one thousand, total, between the two.    And an equal number of car jackings and other violent crimes.    So we are used to hearing about people dying in the street, or having their lives changed forever, by hoodlums and other trash.  

But the one crime which always gets everyone’s attention, and makes the news non-stop, is when a very young child, or even an infant is killed, by a random or otherwise purposeful shooting or other violence.  

We can’t stand that, …oh no.   How inhuman it is, to take a child’s life, or especially a 9 month old baby, as happened here last year.   We just simply have to fix that, and make it never happen again.  

But how many unborn babies are murdered every year, by abortion?   Well, according to the Guttmacher Institute, who keeps track of all abortions, worldwide, we had 30,750 abortions performed on our babies here in the “Charm City” of B-more, MD in 2020, the most recent year provided.  

30 Thousand babies killed, in one frickin’ year!!!!   In one frickin’ state!!!  And we get upset over a single living infant getting shot dead, in the middle of a drug war.   And go crazy over 350 murders each year, which is our average.  

But it’s perfectly legal, and very little said here, when talking about ripping babies out of mothers’ wombs, at the rate of over 2,500 per month!   That’s over 80 abortions per DAY here.   80!!!   Three every hour, 24/7 !!  

Since approx. 40% of all pregnancies are aborted, where have we all gone with this heinous, almost barbaric ability to just throw away a beautiful, living and breathing baby, and pretend that pregnancy never happened?   And that it was no big deal.  

No, abortion and youth transgender surgeries are not the top campaign issue in the 2022 midterms, however it is the number One moral issue, in the entire world.  

But the Dems want us to believe that, and to distract us with a phony abortion “rights” issue.  Just to take our minds off the real issues of the Dem induced inflation, and the economic disaster they have created.         

Immorality, has no rights.   Especially when the immoral act is murder.  

© Copyright Joe Facinoli,  10-26-2022

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