DeSantis is Very Good, but We Need The Donald for the Fight in 2024 

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

The MAGAs need Donald Trump in 2024.    America needs Trump in 2024, to win the next Presidential election.   Because it is going to be an ugly bar fight, that will spill out into the street, and if nothing else, that’s what Trump is, …a Fighter.   Through and through. 

That’s what’s coming:   a brutal, no holds barred, down and very dirty, fight to the death, with blind shots and eye gouging allowed.  

And unlike DeSantis, Trump doesn’t have a job right now.   His kids run his company, and he has no constituency to be concerned about, except for the one he continues to create every time he speaks, and especially each and every time he steps behind a microphone.   

Governor DeSantis would be a great President, but in the meantime he has a state to run, and a very important one at that.   He can’t just go around doing and saying whatever he feels, right or wrong, because he still has a large percentage of Florida citizens who didn’t vote for him last time, and he has to do that “dance” that all Governors find necessary, to maintain his popularity at home.  

Trump has no concern for any of that.   And truthfully, he never really cared whether people liked him or not, politically, nor whether they agreed with him and his passionate policies.   He just did whatever he thought was right for the country, and kept moving forward.   And he was right, almost every time.  

And guess what?   Most people did agree with him.   In 2016, if we leave out Los Angeles and two surrounding counties, and also the 5 boroughs of NYC, which are all hopelessly liberal, and clueless to the real needs of the country anyway, Trump got a majority, in fact, of the popular votes of the rest of the country.    

And of course, he won an easy majority of the electoral votes in 2016, per the Constitution.  

2020 would have more of the same, had not the Cabal entered the picture in the middle of election night, causing immeasurable havoc to our system, and leading us to all the rubbish and blatant misconduct that followed such a travesty.  

But anyone who believes  2020 was a fair election, and especially anyone who did not want to investigate it, or worse, chastised those who did, are not worth spending a single moment discussing that farce with them.  

Trump will be ready, more than ready, when the time comes.   And he is making it be that time even now, on each occasion he takes to another podium, somewhere across the U.S., and speaks the truth, as only he can.  

Critics quickly said, and still say, that he is not “Presidential” enough.    Well no kidding!    THAT’S exactly why so many like him, and why such a huge chunk of America voted for him:   because he IS non-Presidential !!  

We don’t want him to be all fancy Presidential like so many minor players from the past, a lot of whom were so very phony about it, and non-productive and hurtful to this country, but while being ever so “Presidential”.  

The majority didn’t want that same ol’, same ol’ stuff.   That’s never been Trump, and he didn’t change just because he was running for the Presidency.   Nor while he was in the office. 

He wasn’t like the others, and that’s why we liked him, and definitely why we voted for him.   And that goes more than double today.   Because America has now seen first hand, and painfully so, what the glaring alternative is.  

With the Left, and their media, and the Cabal that runs them all, coming after Donald Trump in every conceivable way, and for every minute of every day, it is more clear than ever that he can handle all that nonsense, and even invites them, and dares the Left, to bring it on, and with all they’ve got.  

Gov. DeSantis can be up to the same task, I have no doubt.   But he hasn’t been through what Trump has, no one has ever, and had to deal with all the evil vengeance that only the political Left can generate.  

He will learn, and his background, and character, and strong personality all say that he can take the Left on, and do as well.   But when we’ve got the “GOAT” to go against these insanely obsessed, and possessed opponents, why go with an apprentice, who we only “think” can do the job.  

DeSantis’ time will come, maybe sooner than later.   And he will be successful when it does.  

But if a fair and transparent Presidential election can be held in 2024, it will be Donald Trump in a walk.    Same thing I said in the fall of 2020, but we know what happened next.   That was the only way the Dems could have beaten DJT, and that’s exactly what they did. 

Because we trusted them, …and we let them.  

Well my friends, those days are long over.   Get the gloves on, and the extra thick helmet, because this will not be pretty.   Not until Inauguration Day in January 2025.   When The Donald rightfully takes his oath, for his rightful second term.  

Keep fighting, keep punching, and keep pushing the evil ones out of our lives, …back to where they belong.  

©  Copyright   Joe Facinoli,   10-19-2022

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