DUM and DUMMER. Bad Enough What People Believe, Muchless What They Do With It.

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

It is becoming almost impossible to listen to the insanity that people say these days, politically and about our shared culture, and even harder, to hear what they profess to believe so strongly that we are called liars, and a lot more, for merely disagreeing.  

And it’s much worse, to actually see the disasters caused by those mistaken and demented beliefs, and the horrendous consequences these beliefs create, for so many.  

There are examples followed by more examples, every day in the news (if one can believe those sorry sources), and then more pitiful examples after the first ones.  

Some “Examples” of this hypothesis:

DUM:     Crypto Currency.    Not too many of us even know what it is.   Fake stocks?   Some kind of money?   What is its true value?   Can that ever be determined?

Some new age semi-hippie guy, named Sam Bankman-Fried, was the principal founder, and CEO, of the major Crypto player, his FTX Corp. (an abbreviation for “Futures Exchange” which should tell us all we need to know here), handling all of the various possibilities for which many folks had invested.   Some were already rich, some wanted to be, but all trusted in this unknown entity to work out, and in this hippie dude Sam, and his “valley girl” girlfriend, who told all that they knew best as to how to take care of everyone’s $32 Billion worth of money (not a typo), in addition to all of their own.

DUMMER:   Depending on this Crypto “thing” for future investment returns, or acquired wealth, or using it for some kind of development plan, or, as seen recently, for political party donations.  

Because today, young Mr. Sam resigned from his job and responsibilities, as FTX filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.   Which means they are “re-organizing”, and they could return, if the judge lets them, but bottom line is:   ALL THE MONEY’S GONE!!

Did people learn nothing from Bernie Madoff??   Etc, Etc.???

Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, …it probably is.  

DUM:   A woman leaving her alcoholic, gay, age demented multi-millionaire husband, alone at their home on the West Coast, while she went to her job on the East Coast.   Nothing could go wrong with this one, right??

DUMMER:   Wife expecting everyone to believe that hubby was attacked by some random intruder, whom no one saw enter their home (at 2 am), and the police weren’t called until later in the episode, and both “guys” were wielding hammers at each other, when they arrived.   And they knew each other.   Nothing suspicious here.  

DUM:   All the Media, on both sides, and all those who still hate him, from both major parties, jumping on what they think are Donald Trump’s bones, as they blamed him for a smaller “red wave” than was expected, in the recent mid-term elections. 

DUMMER:    Thinking Trump has no chance to even get the Republican nomination for the 2024 Presidential campaign, muchless win the election for the Presidency.    When they will be dealing with, again, the toughest, and most aggressive, and successfully confrontational national politician, maybe ever, but certainly since Teddy Roosevelt (that’s over 100 years ago, for those who went to private school).   Good luck trying to knock off The Donald!  

DUM:   Trusting the State Elections Boards and Committees to get the recent mid-term election right, and allow it to proceed fairly, in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Washington state, Georgia, New Hampshire, New York, California, and should I just keep naming them all, until I get to 50 !!???

DUMMER:   Being shocked, or disgusted, or disappointed, or discouraged, or upset in any way, when the results in each of these states show an impossible outcome, and even flipping at the last minute to Dem candidates, after the Republican party in the states mentioned (as well as the national GOP leaders) did nothing to prevent the same of old, tried and true, but tired way of the Dems doing business on election days, in these states, and everywhere.   

Definition of Insanity:   Doing the same things over and over again, but expecting a different and/or better result each time. 

In other words:   If it’s broke, and you don’t fix it, it’s gonna stay broke.  

DUM:    Trusting Russia.    Regarding ANYTHING, but especially if they say that they won’t be invading some country, nor firing rockets at anyone to take back whatever they say is theirs.   

DUMMER:    Being surprised, as our national leaders and all the media was, when Russia does a full-fledged invasion of a neighboring country, sending in tens of thousands of troops, and massive amounts of equipment, and thousands of various rockets at whatever targets they so choose, including civilians and private properties, and even the electrical grid.  

And being more surprised that Putin would dare lie to the Western Countries, and NATO, about what his intentions and final actions really were and are.   Nobody’s tougher and more arrogant about what he wants to do, …than Putin.   Surprise!

And the DUMMEST thing that anyone can do, is to think that President Ice Cream Boy can go up against him, or anyone.  

Right after they don’t understand that there is only one international leader who can competently confront this dictator with a nice suit.    And that man’s name is spelled:   “45”.  

This could go on forever, unfortunately, to include so many stupid and very DUM domestic political activities, economic foolishness, fake and unfortunate cultural issues and accusations, but for now, we’ll wrap it up here, until a later time (this Dum-ness stuff, is not going away soon).

Just keep in mind, that if something in your life looks or sounds stupid, or DUM, always question it, no matter what the consequences are, which someone else tells you will happen.  

And if you still don’t get the right answers, based on common sense and honesty, then fight like hell to get the correct answers and solutions.  

Make America Great Again,   doesn’t belong to just one man, nor one group, nor one party.   It’s for ALL of us true Americans to make happen.

©  Copyright  Joe Facinoli,  11-16-2022

Intelligent Response Encouraged.


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