GREENVILLE – Come one, come all to the Greenville Public Library Eclipse Viewing Party on Saturday, October 14!
Beginning at 11:30, patrons of all ages are welcome to bring lawn chairs, blankets, or just stake their claim on a patch of grass as we all view the 2023 Annular Eclipse from the GPL lawn. The first 250 people to arrive to our viewing party will be given their own pair of eclipse glasses. Fresh popcorn will also be available.
According to NASA, the partial eclipse will be visible from our location for approximately 1 hour 20 minutes starting at 11:42 a.m. Our area is expected to experience a maximum of 42% obscuration over the course of the event.
This is a free program, and registration is not required. However, glasses are available to viewing party participants only and will not be available until the time of the event. For more information, contact Joanna at (937) 548-3915.