The Center for Workforce Development & Education at Edison State Community College will host the 2022 Summer Symposium for HR Professionals on Thursday, August 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Edison State’s Piqua Campus. Check in will begin at 8 a.m.
In a post-pandemic economy, employee safety, health, and well-being are more important than ever. This one-day conference will help attendees discover how to address current and future challenges in self-care, employee well-being, recruiting and retention strategies, and more. Participants will also have the opportunity to network with other professionals.
The event will feature a keynote address provided by Gail Sease titled “Resilience or Boundaries? Bouncing Back Better in the Wild World of Work.”
Sease’s professional experience bridges several industries, including construction, automotive, IT, and food equipment. Through the years, she supported over 1,000 technicians at Hobart Service before pivoting to a full-time life coaching business in October 2021.
She holds an associate degree in communication arts from Sinclair Community College, a bachelor’s degree in communication management with a minor in human resources from the University of Dayton, and a master’s degree in organizational communication from Miami University. Sease became a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) through the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) in 2019 and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Her emphasis on mental health in her coaching was preceded by life experience in trauma recovery. As a leader, Sease is focused on creating healthy work cultures that foster employee engagement and high performance. Observing how isolation, workload intensity, pandemic protocols, and stress impacted her team and field technicians, she encourages business and HR leaders to look for ways to continue to support their teams through these turbulent times.
Participants will also hear from other industry professionals addressing topics such as conflict management, motivating a multigenerational workforce, and Ohio and federal employment law updates. The event’s program has been pre-approved by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) for 4.5 recertification credits for SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP.
The conference is made possible by sponsors HR Association of Western Ohio (HRAWO) and Let’s Lead HR Consulting.
Event registration is now open. The cost to attend is $99 per person. Register by visiting www.edisonohio.edu/summer. For more information, email Trisha Elliott at telliott2@edisonohio.edu or call 937.778.7811.