Greenville – The Greenville Business & Professional Women’s Club is making preparations for their meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 11th. The meeting is being hosted by the Membership Committee consisting of Chair Desteni Mason and members Leah Dumas, Hallie Foureman and Susan Fowble. The meeting will be held at the Birchwood Training Center, 5844 Jaysville St Johns Rd., Greenville at 6:30PM.
The featured speaker is Emily Jasenski, Certified Clinical Homeopath and Certified Medical Thermographer. After owning a yoga studio, teaching yoga therapy and running yoga Teacher Training for 10 years she sold the studio . She chose a new path with a focus on Homeopathy by completing the Clinical Homeopath program through the Lotus Wellness Institute. Does Jasenski love natural medicine? Absolutely, but what she loves the most about alternative medicine is that it brings us back into our own natural state of being. It reconnects us to who we really are! In 2022 Emily was certified as a Clinical Medical Thermography. She is the first clinician in Darke County to offer these services.
New BPW members for 2023-2024 that are to be recognized this evening are: Susan Lohrber, Pegi Deeter and Dena Wulber.
The Club will be meeting on Thursday, April 11, 2024 at the Birchwood Training Center. The dinner meeting will begin at 6:30 PM. The Greenville BPW Club would like to invite women interested in learning more about the Club to the meeting. The 2023-2024 Scholarship winners and their families have also been invited to attend the April meeting. Contact Vicki Cost at vcost@coxinsurance.com by noon on Friday, April 8, 2024 to make a reservation to attend this meeting. The cost is $15.00 per person.
Featured photo (provided): Emily Jasenski, Certified Clinical Homeopath and Certified Clinical Thermographer, Speaker for April 11th Greenville BPW Meeting.