DARKE COUNTY – Empowering Darke County Youth wishes to thank those organizations and individuals who have supported Empowering’s efforts over the years to help students struggling with their academics.
Greenville Rotary recently made a sizable donation to Empowering, along with a number of other organizations seeking help with their programs. The Rotary organization has supported Empowering students for several years. Earlier in the year, Kiwanis of Greenville also supported Empowering efforts with its annual donation. Both organizations focus on empowering their communities through service, scholarships and donations to non-profit organizations. Greenville VFW Post 7262 and Greenville Eagles 2177 have also been instrumental in their support of Empowering kids.
Two non-profit foundations – Lydia Schaurer Memorial Trust and the Ketrow Foundation – have quietly supported Empowering academic efforts since its inception in 2016. They cannot be thanked enough for their continued support. And a major debt of gratitude is owed to Darke County United Way, who brought Empowering into its family of deserving agencies in 2016.
Empowering Darke County Youth would be remiss if it did not thank major funding organizations: Vectren (CenterPoint) Foundation, Kettering Foundation, and Reynolds & Reynolds Foundation. Their support in 2020 helped Empowering programs through that tough time.
Empowering Darke County Youth would also like to thank individuals who have generously made donations over the years. They include Scott Zumbrink, Steve and Eileen Litchfield, Larry and Carol Holmes, Mark and Cindy Libert, Wes and Patti Jetter, and more.
Those are the people and organizations who have supported Empowering because they want to help Darke County kids. Some, like Greenville National Bank and Harry Stephens Memorial, have been individually recognized. Most have not.
There are many businesses who have supported Empowering’s Fundraising website, County News Online, through their quarterly or annual sponsorships. They include Hothead Burritos, Tribute Funeral Homes, Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Medicine & More, Park National Bank, Flaig Lumber, Premier Design Solutions, Littman Thomas Agency, and more.
There are dozens more individuals and businesses, too numerous to mention, that have continued their support over the years, and especially the challenges of the last 18 months. Check them out on County News Online’s Sponsors page, https://www.countynewsonline.org/?page_id=27. If you know them, if you do business with them, please thank them for their support of Empowering Darke County Youth’s Summer, Distance (Virtual), and After School Tutoring Programs.
With the help of all generous sponsors and donors, Empowering has been able to provide more than 21,000 hours of academic support to nearly 1,100 Darke County students who need it. Empowering Darke County Youth, and the communities it supports, says Thank You.
The Empowering Mission: Empowering Darke County Youth provides After School and Summer Tutoring programs to assist students in the areas of language arts and math with the goal of Strong Students for a Strong Community.
Photo: Greenville Program Coordinator Jenette Stark talks to children and parents during a recent Greenville First Friday event. CNO File Photo.