On March 16th, EverHeart Hospice and Miller Place Assisted Living partnered together to celebrate a very special 100th Birthday for resident Ruth Sites. Sites is a current resident of Miller Place and receives additional care and support from EverHeart Hospice (Fomerly State of the Heart Care).
Sites was born March 16, 1922 to Frank and Bertha (Brush) Zizelman. She is the oldest of three children and has been a life-long resident of Mercer County. When she was young, she enjoyed helping with chores on her family’s farm, including harvesting and processing honey.
Corri Goodspeed, Activities Coordinator at Miller Place, coordinated the birthday party for Sites. In the days leading up to the celebration, one could find pictures of Sites throughout the building and a write-up in the building’s March Newsletter. Corri shared that there was an excitement all through the building leading up to the big day.
Nancy Topp, Executive Director at Miller Place shared “Miller Place was very happy to host the 100th Birthday celebration of Ruth Sites. Ruth was surrounded by many of her family and friends for this special day.”
Members of the Everheart Hospice team in attendance included LPN Melanie Howell, Social Worker Sara Ransdell, Hospice Aide Jamie Staugler, Primary RN Molly Stephenson, Community Outreach Specialist Megan Stull, and Marketing Specialist Jennifer Overholser.
According to Howell, Ruth is a joy to visit with.
“She always shares her faith and love of the Lord which is an inspiration. I am thankful to be part of her care team and always look forward to spending time with her. Ruth speaks love to us all and she is a beautiful reminder of who we all should strive to be,” said Howell.
According to the newsletter, Sites is the recognized Resident Ambassador for Miller Place and always goes out of her way to make others feel welcomed and loved. Her party was filled with friends, family, members of her care team, and even Celina Mayor Jeffrey Hazel.
Mayor Hazel read a proclamation to honor Ruth on her milestone birthday. Topp noted, “This made Ruth and her family all very proud.”
Following the proclamation, those in attendance celebrated with refreshments and fellowship. Rosemary Jefferson, Community Relations Manager at Miller place, helped decorate the building with colorful balloons and streamers. Jennifer Overholser, Marketing Specialist with EverHeart Hospice, provided cake for everyone to enjoy with punch made by Goodspeed.
Sites married her husband, Snowden Sites, on December 25th, 1946 in a dress she created herself. Together they have four children, seven grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild. Sites volunteered her time at the Mercer County Council on Aging. She has been recognized as the Outstanding Volunteer and in 2001 was named Outstanding Senior Citizen of Mercer County.
“Ruth has been such a joy to get to know,” expressed Ransdell. “She is so very sweet and full of grace with each visit. I am happy our team has had the honor to provide care and support for her!”
“At one point the EverHeart Hospice Care team stood by Sites talking and helping her with her oxygen. It was clear that there was a special bond between them,” shared Overholser. “As they stood around Sites in her wheelchair, it truly felt as though they were surrounding Ruth in a blanket of love.”
Stephenson shared the sentiment that Ruth is an amazing person. “When I come to make a visit, her excitement to see us is amazing. I love to visit with her as she will tell stories of her past, which are both inspirational and funny,” she shared. “There are too many stories to share, but to see her excitement to tell them is amazing.”
At 100 years old, Ruth Sites beamed with joy throughout the whole party. As friends and family greeted Sites throughout the day, she was asked many times how she was feeling. As she responded, a smile came to her face and she replied, “I feel pretty good,” in the sincerest fashion. Proving she is still young at heart, Sites even stole a chance to stick out her tongue at the camera, bringing a chuckle to everyone, including herself.
“Ruth is a very special person,” noted Staugler. “She has such a positive attitude about life. She always has a smile even when she’s not feeling 100%. She makes sure I know how much she loves me every time I see her and appreciates everyone from hospice that takes care of her. Ruth has been a very big impact to remind myself why I love my job.”
“The Miller Place family is blessed to have Ruth as a long time and very important member,” expressed Topp. “We couldn’t be happier to help her and her family celebrate this extraordinary day. Happy Birthday, Ruth!”
Miller Place is an Assisted Living Facility located in Celina, Ohio and is part of the Enlivant Community. For more information about their community, visit www.enlivant.com.
EverHeart Hospice provides Hospice and Palliative care to patients wherever they call home, with offices located in Coldwater, Ohio, Greenville, OH, and Winchester Indiana. For more information about Hospice and Palliative Care, visit everhearthospice.org.
Pictured from Left to Right: Front: Primary RN Molly Stephenson, Birthday Girl Ruth Sites, Social Worker Sara Ransdell Back: Hospice Aide Jamie Staugler, LPN Melanie Howell, Ruth Sites with Celina Mayor Jeffrey Hazel.