The Darke County Agricultural Society Board of Directors held a special meeting on Wednesday, June 19 with 10 Board members present.
The Board discussed the current quotes for the rain insurance for the fair concert but decided that they need quotes for different time frames and tabled this topic.
The second Topic was about the electrical system in the swine barn. Board members talked to the fire marshal about the issues with the electrical system. Out of 46 boxes (electrical drops from the ceiling) needed, there are only 18. The Board decided that 15 additional drops will be installed before this year’s fair. A big issue was how the exhibitors run the extension cords. The fire marshal insists that the exhibitors must not use multiple extension cords connected to each other but one only. The Board also approved the purchase of 10 electric poles ($572/ea)
The Board approved the purchase of a scissor lift for $3500 + a set of batteries for about $700.
Director Heidi May asked the Board for $1500 for the purchase of a new head gate, which is used to tag the beef and cattle. The old head gate has already been fixed multiple times but now it needs to be replaced. The Board approved the request but Directors May and Perez will look into other options for the future.
The Board also agreed on treating the Horseshoe Building for termites.
The next scheduled meeting will be on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 @ 7:00PM