Fairboard held it’s regular monthly meeting on Wednesday 10/4

The Darker County Fair Board held its October Meeting on Wednesday, October 4th with 10 of the 11 Board members present. Jason Manning was absent.

Doug Klinsing, chairman of the Spiritual Life Center Committee, brought a problem up that occurred at this year’s Darke County Fair. The Greenville Greater Ministerial Association (GGMA) gives out free water, coffee and snacks to visitors of the fair since many years, but because of complaints from vendors, it was shut down by the Board during this year’s fair. This was based on a board decision from 2019 that only vendors are allowed to distribute water, drinks and food. According to Klinsing, this Board decision was never communicated to the Greenville Greater Ministerial Association (GGMA) nor the Spiritual Life Center Committee and Klinsing asked the Board to reconsider this decision. Klinsing said that one of the Churches already said that they won’t return next year, because of this unfair treatment.

Treasurer Marla Werner argued that vendors pay for their spot to sell water, drinks, food, etc and want to make a profit, so it was suggested that the Fair Board makes a contract with the Greenville Greater Ministerial Association (GGMA), the Association pays the $75 fee and with that would be able to continue giving out water, coffee and snacks. Klinsing said that they would be OK with that.

Fair manager Laura Ahrens mentioned that another vendor has a water cooler and people could get a cup of water and that would be no concern.

A discussion came up because of an article in the Daily Advocate/Early Bird which painted the Swine Committee in a negative light and the Committee asked for an apology. The Committee was blamed for an issue regarding the sponsorship banners but they provided documents that it was not their fault. Marla Werner said that the Board doesn’t write the articles and although the article was off of what was said/discussed at the meeting, Marla said that this is not always accurate. No apology was given at the meeting.

Treasurer Marla Werner looked into ways to make some interest on money that’s on the accounts and currently not needed for expenses or investments and presented 2 options: Money Market account (money is always available and not locked for a certain time) and CDs (slightly higher interest rate, but the money is locked for 12, 24 or 36 months). Marla suggested to transfer $5 from every 9-day ticket sold to the Capital Improvement Account and park this money in a Money Market account.

The Board also approved a new Fundraising Project.

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