The Darke County Fair Board held its December Meeting on Wednesday, December 6th with all 11 Board members present.
Since BTO was only available for Thursday evening, the Board had to make some changes to the traditional event schedule. The horse races will now be on Wednesday evening (Gene Riegle Memorial Race) and then Friday and Saturday night.
Since there were so many cars in this year’s demolition derby, the Board is considering to split the Derby in 2 events. The Board is also thinking about doing a school bus demolition derby. A few other ideas for additional attractions/events are floating but before making a decision which one of the ideas will become reality, the board wants to wait until after the meeting of the Ohio Fair Managers Association in January 2024.
Jason Blackburn, who organizes several Food Truck Rallies also wanted to bring a demolition derby to his May Food Truck Rally but the Board voted against it. Although Blackburn is known for always cleaning up the area after his events, the Board was concerned that too many events on the track for the tractor pulling would be bad for the track. The Board was also concerned that another demolition derby would probably be bad for the attendance of their own events. Blackburn moved the rodeo he originally planned for the Food Truck Rally in May to the June-Rally.
Kim Harless brought a proposal on behalf of her almost 17 year old grandson to the board. Kim and her husband Pat informed the board that her grandson developed the Fair Dash app which works like Door Dash. Fair-Goers could download an app and then order the food at the participating food-vendors and the food would then be delivered to the Fair Goers (on Fairground only). Kim offered to fly her grandson in if the Board is interested in this proposal so he could explain everything in detail.
The next Fairboard meeting to be held on January 10, 2024