GREENVILLE – Ever wanted to plant a fall garden, but not sure when or how to get started? Greenville Public Library’s got you covered!
Join us on Thursday, June 27th at 1 p.m. when Caden Buschur from the Darke County OSU Extension stops by to explain the ins and outs of utilizing the cooler months of fall.
He’ll discuss topics such as the benefits of fall gardening, considerations for managing gardens as the weather starts to cool, extending the growing season, and which crops tend to work best in a fall garden. Caden will also be happy to answer questions and spend a little more time talking about the specific topics people want to learn more about.
Caden is the Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) Educator for OSU Extension, Darke County. He’s been in this position for nearly one year, but has been involved in agriculture all of his life.
“Gardening, in particular, is something I’ve been passionate about for a long time,” Caden said. “I’m also a lifelong Darke County resident, and I enjoy getting to know the county better. I’m very happy to be able to help people while working with agriculture and natural resources.”
This is a free event and registration is not required to attend. For more information, contact the library at (937) 548-3915, or Caden directly by phone at (937) 548-5215 or by email at buschur.46@osu.edu.